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RE: [ga] FW: Comment from the gTLD Registry Constituency

It's never been clear why the ccTLD registries couldn't "benefit" from the
input of other consituencies.  ccTLD TLDs involve business, IP,
noncommerical, and ISP users, so, if the constituency model is to be
continued, why wouldn't the ccSO have similar constituencies?  I can
understand why they might want to avoid that, but it is not because those
constituences are not impacted by ccTLD issues.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: DannyYounger@cs.com [mailto:DannyYounger@cs.com]
> Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 8:50 PM
> To: barrister@chambers.gen.nz; ga@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [ga] FW: Comment from the gTLD Registry Constituency
> Peter,
> I appreciate your sensitivity to user concerns and note that 
> you have asked, 
> "Why shouldn't the structure require the registries and 
> registrars to sit 
> around the table with their user community?"
> In light of this question, can you identify the functional 
> mechanism by which 
> relevant user community input will be respected within the 
> proposed ccSO?  
> Perhaps that which is proposed within your own SO can offer 
> some structural 
> guidance to the GNSO...
> best regards,
> Danny
> --
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