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Re: [ga] FW: Comment from the gTLD Registry Constituency

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 08:38:56 -0400, "Gomes, Chuck"
<cgomes@verisign.com> wrote:

>Why shouldn't the structure require the ccTLD registries to sit around the
>table with the user community?  Why shouldn't the ccSO have constituencies
>representing the user community?
>It seems to be that both gTLD and ccTLD registries and registrars can
>benefit with interaction with the user community.  But we shouldn't assume
>that the only way to do that is within the ICANN structure.

Indeed not.  In many ccTLDs the users actually control the registry
and approve the policies.  In .nz for example we now have a .nz
oversight committee which approves policies and registrars (plus the
registry) are barred from serving on the committee.  You can't get
much more user friendly than that.  Incidentally the registrars
haven't really objected to lack of representation because having good
staff and processes means that their legitimate concerns and issues
are listened to and actioned.

While I have no problems with the ccTLDs globally consulting with user
organisations such as icannatlarge.org over relevant issues, one has
to understand that almost all policies bar inter-operability must be
local not global policies.  ccTLDs internationally can come up with
best practices etc but these are not binding.

ICQ 29964527
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