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Re: [ga] Nuclear Threat from the ccTLDs

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, at 06:59 [=GMT+1300], DPF wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 18:05:35 +0100 (CET), Marc Schneiders
> <marc@fuchsia.bijt.net> wrote:

> >From the ccTLD communique from Sjanghai:

> >"managers agreed to set up a Working Group to develop
> >a plan to set up a system of independent management of the DNS root
> >entries and database entries."

> >That would be the end of the ICANN root. The ccTLDs have never, I
> >think, been so clear before.

> What the above could imply (I am guessing as I was not there) is that
> if ICANN continues down the same path, then ccTLDs could apply to DOC
> to take over the IANA function.

Why would they do that? Does DoC have any authority over .NL or .MG or
.EU or .JP or .NZ? They could apply to the ITU, or to ... themselves?

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