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Re: [ga] Re: ** who are the root server operators?

On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 01:52:04PM -0800,
 George Kirikos <gkirikos@yahoo.com> wrote 
 a message of 36 lines which said:

> I had meant "or another country to *serve* Africa". I highlighted
> Israel as it's a transit-point between Africa and the middle-East/Asia,
> so is in a good spot geographically.

Geographically, Israel is between Africa and Asia. But I do not
believe it is an Internet transit point. I'm not aware of any
Africa-Asia link going through Israel. <URL:http://trace.knet.co.il/>
You can see that from Israel to Egypt, you go via New York (USA).
> If someone has a good map of current and projected internet traffic
> flows, 

You have a lot of data at CAIDA. Warning: it is not easy to
read. <URL:http://www.caida.org/> 

For the people who are not fluent in Internet routing, Traceroute is a
better tool. <URL:http://www.traceroute.org/>.

The important thing to remember is that connectivity has few
relationships with the actual geography. For instance, between two
African countries, Internet communications typically goes through
Europe or the USA (or both). It is very uncommon to have direct links
between two African countries. Therefore, if you want to serve Africa,
you should be located in Europe or in the USA (Asia or Latin America
is a different matter).
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