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Re: [ga] How to steal a domain name..... And get away with it...

George and all assembly members,

  You are indeed a kind samaritan George.  Of that I have never had
any doubt.  Your good example and lesson below makes that
also perfictly clear as well should anyone have any doubt.

  Don't expect however ICANN to do anything about this sort of
problem anytime soon as they have time and time again had
similar situations pointed out to them directly from members of
this very DNSO GA forum, and completely ignored them or
stated, as Stuart Lynn has, that they cannot or will not do anything
about them or even try to assist.  Hence the second lesson is that
although ICANN Claims to be a good public servant of a public
resource, it certainly does not show it.

George Kirikos wrote:

> Hello,
> Today's lesson is on how to steal a domain name.....
> Step 1. Find a high value domain name with an invalid administrative
> email address, preferably one that is not actively being used so that
> it won't be noticed.
> Example: nigger.com, nigger.net, nigger.org (owned by NAACP)
> Step 2. Note in the WHOIS that the admin email is thawley@BAWAVE.COM,
> which until yesterday was on a domain (BAWAVE.com) that had long
> expired and been deleted.
> Step 3. Register the aforesaid domain name in Step #2. Oh my, some
> folks have caught on, as you can see the WHOIS for BAWAVE.com, freshly
> registered yesterday:
> Registrant:
>   Nigger Inc spring888@hotmail.com +62.3189598
>   Hendra Gunawan
>   JL. Bengawan 56
>   Surabaya,Jawa Timur,Indonesia 60000
> Domain Name:bawave.com
> Record last updated at 2002-11-04 20:31:57
> Record created on 2002/11/4
> Step 3a: Ideally, make the registrant in step 3 very obscure, like in a
> far away land. ;)
> Step 4: Activate the domain in Step #3 so that email is working, namely
> the email address in Step 2.
> Step 5: Initiate a transfer request, and accept using the email in step
> 4.
> Step 6: Enjoy
> Given the NAACP's inability to fix the problem (I emailed them about
> this months ago), I acquired a SnapBack, in case someone tried to take
> the name. I imagine now that the process is unveiled, someone at
> Verisign (Chuck?) or at ICANN will do something.....(maybe someone in
> Washington, DC can give the NAACP a call, or something....
> Since we're now potentially at Step 5, the time to act is now, guys and
> gals...
> Your kind Samaritan,
> George Kirikos
> http://www.kirikos.com/
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