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Re: [ga] ga chair elections

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 22:03:45 +1300, you wrote:

>Also I think we want to avoid having say five regional discussion
>lists and no global one.  The vast majority of issues will be global
>not regional.  

There has been discussion on this on the ALOC list - other people
raised this point. In fact, in the original framework that we (from
the ALAC-AG) suggested, one third of the ALAC would be filled by
people from "global at large organizations" that would coordinate
through a global forum. In the final design approved by the Board,
these seats have been given to the NomCom, so only the Regional
approach is left; I guess that the idea is to reconsider this once the
mechanism is up and running. However, there must be a mechanism to
allow global discussions (even not atlarge-specific) and to find a
place of participation for global organizations that wouldn't fit in a
strict regional framework.
vb.            [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<---
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