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RE: The telephone network and the internet (RE: [ga] ALAC comment s on proposed Bylaws modifications)

At 13:30 13/03/03, Roberto Gaetano wrote:
>IMHO, we are focusing too much on details that could have less relevance, 
>and failing to discuss the innovative approach that some, including Karl 
>Auerbach, are proposing: not to have one single monolythic gigantic 
>all-covering structure, but to assign individual responsibilities to 
>individual organizations, either existing or built for the purpose. In 
>other words, instead of one solution for all, tailored solutions for 
>specific problems.

Full agreement. But you know that this does not come easily. People tend to 
go by fashions and passions. To work out an I Sector organization 
proposition, to understand where ICANN fits, what is the IANA today in real 
life operation/governance, with DNS.2, what the ITU-I may bring to the Gov, 
to the world development, what are the dangers, what are the natural 
balance of powers and of protections, what are the relations with the other 
Sectors and development, etc. is what we have to work on. Because no one 
else will do it for us.

Or when a governance reorganization occurs - because it will necessary 
occur and it has already started and we helped it starting - we will have 
no reason complaining.

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