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Re: [ga] ALAC on ccNSO

On Tue, 6 May 2003, Vittorio Bertola wrote:

> ... You may also have noticed that
> the differences between the positions of ICANN and of most ccTLD
> managers have been substantially bridged in the last months, thanks to
> a great amount of good will by everyone involved.

I've noticed rather the opposite - that positions are hardening and that 
the gap between ICANN and the cc community is greater than ever.

About the only real change that has occurred is that ICANN (or was it
IANA, can one ever tell the difference?) withdrew the demand for zone file
access as a precondition to updating ccTLD NS (name server) records.  
[Given the ferver with which ICANN (or IANA) defended the practice, it was
amusing to see it be suddenly withdran based on a hidden decision by a
hidden person, i.e. without a clear, open, transparent, or accountable
process - capricious behavior and processes are in themselves bad things
even if the decision that is made is, apart from the process, a good one.]

It is my sense that the bigger cc's are learning that they can simply
ignore ICANN (the list of large non paying countries is significant - i.e.  
the countries not listed on
And the United States (the biggest non-payer) completely bypassed ICANN
when it decided to redelegate .us.

And the smaller countries, particularly developing ones, seem to be
becoming more aware of the fact that the availability of IANA services
does not require a signature on an ICANN contract.

I personally give a lot of credit to the cc assertion that the country
code operators themselves tend to represent the citizens of their
respective nations and that obviates the need for a separate user channel
into ICANN's cc mechanisms.  However, I also tend to be somewhat wary of
potentially bootstraping/self-supporting kinds of claim.


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