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[ga] GNSO ouncil teleconf. minutes Dec. 19, 2002


         GNSO Council Teleconference on 19 December 2002 - minutes

20 December 2002.

Proposed agenda and related documents

List of attendees:

Philip Sheppard        Business
Marilyn Cade           Business absent apologies, proxy to Philip Sheppard
Grant Forsyth          Business absent apologies, proxy to Philip Sheppard
Greg Ruth              ISPCP  absent
Antonio Harris         ISPCP
Tony Holmes            ISPCP
Philipp Grabensee      Registrars absent apologies, proxy to Ken Stubbs
Ken Stubbs             Registrars
Bruce Tonkin           Registrars
Roger Cochetti         gTLD
Jordyn Buchanan        gTLD  absent
Cary Karp              gTLD
Ellen Shankman         IP
Laurence Djolakian     IP absent apologies, proxy to Ellen Shankman
J. Scott Evans         IP absent apologies, proxy to Ellen Shankman
Harold Feld            NCDNH absent apologies, proxy to Chun Eung Hwi
Chun Eung Hwi          NCDNH
Erick Iriate           NCDNH

10 Names Council Members

Louis Touton           General Counsel

Glen de Saint Géry     Secretary/MP3 Recording

MP3 recording of the meeting by the Secretariat:

Quorum present at 22:30 (all times reported are CET which is UTC + 1 during
winter time in the northern hemisphere).

Bruce Tonkin chaired this teleconference.

   * Item 1: Approval of the Agenda

   * Item 2. Change of constituency names from the old DNSO constituencies
     to new GNSO.

     No action needed as this is covered in the section 5 of the Transition
     Article of the New bylaws.

     From: http://www.icann.org/minutes/minutes-appb-15dec02.htm

     "The Generic Names Supporting Organization ("GNSO") shall commence
     operations upon the adoption of this Transition Article, and the
     following six DNSO constituencies shall automatically become
     constituencies of the GNSO, initially under their existing charter:

     a. The commercial and business entities constituency of the DNSO shall
     become the Commercial and Business Users constituency of the GNSO.

     b. The gTLD registries constituency of the DNSO shall become the gTLD
     Registries constituency of the GNSO.

     c. The ISP and connectivity providers constituency of the DNSO shall
     become the Internet Service and Connectivity Providers constituency of
     the GNSO.

     d. The non-commercial domain name holders constituency of the DNSO
     shall become the Non-Commercial Users constituency of the GNSO.

     e. The registrars constituency of the DNSO shall become the Registrars
     constituency of the GNSO.

     f. The trademark, other intellectual property and anti-counterfeiting
     interests constituency of the DNSO shall become the Intellectual
     Property Interests constituency of the GNSO.

     Notwithstanding the adoption or effectiveness of the New Bylaws, each
     GNSO constituency described in paragraph 2 of this Section 5 shall
     continue operating as before and no constituency official, task force,
     or other activity shall be changed until further action of the
     constituency, provided that each GNSO constituency shall submit to the
     ICANN Secretary a new charter and statement of operating procedures,
     adopted according to the constituency's processes and consistent with
     the New Bylaws, no later than 15 July 2003."

     Louis Touton added that the intention of changing the names was to
     reflect the Blueprint.

     Item 5. Budget committee motion:

     In accordance with Section 5 (clause 1) of the Transition Article of
     the new bylaws (http://www.icann.org/minutes/minutes-appb-15dec02.htm):

     "The Domain Name Supporting Organization shall cease operations upon
     the adoption of this Transition Article, except that the Names Council
     of the Domain Name Supporting Organization may act for the limited
     purpose of authorizing the transfer of any funds it has collected to
     the benefit of the Generic Names Supporting Organization.",

     The assembly convened as the DNSO Names Council for the DNSO Names
     Council to approve the transfer of funds to the GNSO.

     Cary Karp proposed the motion seconded by Ken Stubbs:
     The GNSO budget committee is delegated the responsibility for
     authorizing payment for DNSO and GNSO expenses to the same extent as
     was the DNSO budget committee.
     As to DNSO funds held by ICANN, they are to be transferred and to be
     used for the benefit of the GNSO, provided that all DNSO obligations to
     the DNSO are paid.

     Roger Cochetti clarified that what was being transferred from the DNSO
     to GNSO was not only all the funds but that it included any credits,
     debts or other assets of value that the DNSO had.

     Cary Karp made a friendly amendment, seconded by Ken Stubbs.

   * The DNSO transfers to the GNSO every attribute of its financial

     Motion carried unanimously.
     Decision 1: Transfer every attribute of the DNSO's financial identity
     to the GNSO.

     Names Council meeting formally concluded.
     This was the last meeting ever of DNSO Names Council.

     GNSO Policy Council meeting formally convened.

     Item 1: Reelection of Chair

     Philip Sheppard, seconded by Ken Stubbs moves the motion:
     That Bruce Tonkin chairs the present session.
     Unanimously accepted..

     Bruce Tonkin formally noted that he was elected as Chair of the DNSO
     Names Council for a 6 month term beginning on 1 September 2002, and he
     recommended that he be appointed as Chair of the GNSO Council for the
     same period.

     Philip Sheppard, seconded by Ellen Shankman proposed the motion:
     That Bruce Tonkin is made Chair of the GNSO Council until March 2003.

     Friendly amendment proposed by Ken Stubbs:
     Until the convening of the March GNSO meeting or until his successor is
     appointed, whichever is later.

     All voted in favour.

     Decision 2: Bruce Tonkin is Chair of the GNSO Council until the
     convening of the March GNSO meeting or until his successor is
     appointed, whichever is later.

     Item 3. Discussion of GNSO Operating procedures

     Bruce Tonkin moved, seconded by Ken Stubbs:
     That the GNSO will operate under the rules of Procedure as established
     for the Names Council and where there is conflict with the new ICANN
     bylaws, the Bylaws will have precedence.

     All voted in favour.

     · Decision 3:
     GNSO will operate under Rules of Procedure for old DNSO Names Council
     except in cases of conflict with the new ICANN bylaws where the ICANN
     new bylaws take precedence.

     It was noted that the GNSO Rules of Procedure should be updated prior
     to the ICANN meeting in March 2003 to take into account the new ICANN

     Item 6. Continuation of agreement with AFNIC and FISAT Inc.

     Roger Cochetti moved, seconded by Ken Stubbs,
     That the current arrangements with AFNIC, FISAT Inc. and ICANN should
     continue until further action of the GNSO Council and that it is the
     intent that the GNSO would assume all of the obligations and
     responsibilities of the DNSO in those agreements.

     All voted in favour.

   * Decision 4: Continuation of agreement with AFNIC and FISAT Inc. and

     Bruce Tonkin declared the first meeting of the GNSO closed at 8:50
     Melbourne time, December 20, and 22:50 (CET) December 19.

     Next GNSO Policy Council Meeting: Thursday January 16, at 14 UTC.
     See: http://www.dnso.org/meetings.html

                        Information from: © GNSO Council

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