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[icann-nominations] nomination

1. Full name:  Dan Steinberg

     2. E-mail address: dstein@travel-net.com

     3. Organization you work for (if apply): N/A

     4. Snail-mail address (street, city, country): 

35 du Ravin
Box 532, RR1
Chelsea, Qc
Canada J0X 1N0

     5. The region that includes the country of which you are a

North America

     6. The region that includes the country in which you reside:

North America

     7. A clear statement of acceptance of the nomination:

I accept the nomination to fill one of the DNSO seats on the ICANN

     8. If you are a Member of the Names Council, state your intention
        to resign from the Names Council if you are elected to the
ICANN Board:

I am not a member of the Names Council, so this is not applicable to

     9. A Curriculum Vitae (no more than 500 words long):

Dan Steinberg is involved in issues of convergence between technology
and law. The intereface is constantly changing and currently includes
Year 2000 legal/technical issues, domain name/trademark conflict and
e-commerce issues.  

Dan has participated in the internet governance arena for (far too)
many years, as founding member of the Open Root Server Confederation
(ORSC), board member of the Domain Name Rights Coalition (DNRC), a
participant in the IFWP process and the IFWP Steering Committee, and
many submissions to NTIA in the process.  

Dan is counsel to a number of organizations on Year 2000 legal issues
and speaks on this topic to both public and private sector audiences. 
In addition, Dan is active as a legal educator, providing
MCLE-approved courses on Internet Legal Resources and  workshops on
Year 2000 legal issues.  

Dan formed SYNTHESIS: Law & Technology  as a loose association of
global multidisciplinary talent.   Current expertise available at the
firm includes legal, medical, accounting, translation, project
management and strategic planning.  

Dan's education includes an LLB from Université de Montréal, 
an MBA from McGill University and a BSc from Concordia University.  
He can be reached at synthesis@travel-net.com. 

     10. A statement indicating your ideas, intentions and/or the
reason why
         you consider you should be elected to serve in the ICANN
         (no more than 500 words):

First and foremost, I will be continue to be involved in discussions
and debates so that I am fully informed on the issues; I will not hide
behind any barrier, (communications, time) nor will I ever use the
excuse that there is too much e-mail to read.

As I have done in the past with ORSC I will push for fair, open,
transparent, and accountable governance of the Internet.  This
includes, but is not limited to, pushing for a true 'at-large'
membership as envisioned by MAC prior to Santiago. This membership
should be ICANNs number one priority prior to doing any substantive

Accountability means the ability of members to:
* be heard on an issue prior to a board decision
* know why a decision was taken
* know who voted for it and against it
* petition for reconsideration
* have a place to go if reconsideration is refused or unfairly handled

A second priority should be the institution of sound business
planning, driving sensible budgets, effective cost controls and other
generally accepted practices.



Dan Steinberg

SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology
35, du Ravin
Box 532, RR1		phone: (613) 794-5356
Chelsea, Quebec		fax:   (819) 827-4398
J0X 1N0			e-mail:dstein@travel-net.com