I saw today a reposting of the latest version of the job
description and would like to re-post my comments on this below:
Chuck's revised job description adds clear amendments in the body of
original text and in addition adds in the detailed activities list
by Elisabeth. As a result the new document is a hybrid, there is
repetition and clarity suffers as a result.
In the detailed
list there are numerous activities which clearly fall under
Obj 1 (NC
secretariat) and many which are clearly obj 3 (DNSO /
In order to match the job description with a budget
that is incremental (to
allow for staged funding) we should make
these distinctions clear by
integrating the detail under each objective. It
is better to repeat an
activity if necessary - e.g. web site maintenance
for NC and web site
maintenance relating to obj 4 (outreach/consensus).
This flags that it is
one activity which will take more or fewer hours
depending on its purpose.