[nc-deletes] Newest draft
Still no HTML version of the report, but here is a draft for discussion tomorrow. I tried to incorporate the changes recommendations posted to the list over the past few days, in particular in sections 2.1, 2.2 and 3.2. You'll also see my attempt at an Impact section. I've tried to synthesize the comments made thus far (by the BC, IPC, Registrars and my own thoughts from the perspective of the Registries). I think it's a little bit easier to read this way rather than posting the various statements posted to the list. We could also include those, or replace what I wrote with them, if people prefer. Let's discuss tomorrow. Ideally, we can get this draft to a point we're ready to post it publicly as our draft report . So, it's very important that you make the call if at all possible so we can take a vote. Jordyn Deletes Draft Report 030128.doc Deletes Draft Report 030128.doc Deletes Draft Report 030128.pdf