[nc-impwhois] Draft 3 of WHOIS Implementation Report
Hello All, Here is a 3rd draft of the Implementation report with changes marked following the teleconference today. Note the major changes are: - recommendation 1 - a move to an annual WHOIS check rather than a check at time of renewal - recommendation 2 - now decoupled from recommendation 3 - recommendation 3 - removal of dispute process, removal of the specific time-limit, a requirement that a registrar require justification of a new address is it fails automated checks (which MAY be documentary evidence), and a requirement that after a name is put on HOLD status, that it may not be returned to active status until the registrar has confirmed that the registrant is contactable. - a separate recommendation regarding the time limit - to decouple from recommendation 3 (ie recommendation 3 could be accepted, while further work is done on the time limit) - a separate recommendation regarding a review process Please let me know any further comments in the next few hours, before I send the final report through to the GNSO Council. Regards, Bruce Tonkin Draft WHOIS Implementation Report v3.0.doc |