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[nc-org] You asked for it, now perform

Many of you asked for more time to review
the issues. I expect this request to be 
taken seriously, particularly by those who 
asked for or supported the delay. 

It would be wise to start expressing
your concerns NOW, not waiting for me to
impose deadlines. 

If you need to consult with your constituency 
mnembers, do it NOW.

I suggest that the first order of 
business is for you to review the 
minor modifications in the final draft
made by Phil Shepherd and let me know
what concerns you have. You may also
review Touton's last-minute submission
on the NC archive. 

I suggest that you also review Section 6.
If as Louis suggests there is a potential
inconsistency between "sponsorship" and 
the general admonition to follow ICANN
policies, then how would you propose to 
modify that section? 

As agreed by the Names Council, we will build
from existing consensus points. 


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