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[nc-org] cctld comments

These comments are quite constructive, and many parts of them
could easily be incorporated into report without even altering
its basic substance. This to me indicates that your constituency 
fully supports the basic policy approach we have outlined. 

I agree with the comment that "sponsorship model is not a 
prerequisite for ensuring greater stakeholder influence over 
the domain" if by "stakeholder" we mean "noncommercial
community." That is why I have suggested we need to 
discuss whether an unsponsored, unrestricted approach
could be framed to achieve the same objectives.

I would not pay much heed to the comment on 4.,
expressing concern about "commercial service
providers." It shows that the reader did not understand
the relationship between a sponsoring organization
and the registry operator. The registtry operator
DOES NOT make any policy, it is simply a contractor
of the sponsoring organization. That fact that the
operator is commercial does not mean that the entire
TLD is run on a commercial basis. That should be 
obvious from the other sections of the report.

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