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Re: [nc-plan] Revised business plan v5

Thanks Phillip
This looks pretty good - altho as you say, somewhat ambitious!
I have made a couple of suggested changes on the plan attached (changes are highlighted for easy consideration).
The first  recognises that the Board is under pressure to introduce new TLDs and that the NC has a role in advising on an appropriate roll out schedule;
The second rcognises the need to develop and clarify the process involved in the creation of ANY new DNSO constituency.  I believe it is more important for us to focus on the process issue than on the specific question of whether an Individual Constituency should be established.  Once the process is clarified, then it is clear what hoops any group (including those who wish to establish an individuals constituency) will have to jump thru in order to get recognition.
----- Original Message -----
To: NC plan
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 2:46 PM
Subject: [nc-plan] Revised business plan v5

Hello business plan task force.
I have been through the replies we got to the outreach on the business plan, incorporated them (where possible and non-contradictory) and attach a version 5 of the NC business plan.
This adds strategies to carry out the revised objectives. Often the strategies are simple - set-up a small interim committee to think about the issue and propose tight terms of reference for a task force of wider group to do the job.
I think it practical to leave it to those interim committees to add the actions and measures of success as they establish terms of reference.
I propose to have full and open discussion on this as the main agenda item in Melbourne. There we can also talk priorities as the plan is ambitious.
In the meantime your thoughts please on v5 before we post a final pre-Melbourne version to the Council. Comments before the Feb 26 NC call would be useful BUT I am not planning discussion on the substance of the plan then.  Deadline pre Melbourne Feb 28.
Philip Sheppard
AIM - European Brands Association
9  av. des Gaulois  B-1040 Brussels
Tel +322 736 0305 Fax +322 734 6702

NC Business Plan v5.doc

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