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[nc-whois] revised chapters I.C, I.D-and-E, IV

Please find attached revisions to chapters I.C, I.D, I.E, IV.  I'm  
also including the spreadsheet I used to generate the numbers for  
the narrative on question 17.d.  

(BTW, it turns out that an inconsistency had crept into the  
preliminary report's evaluation of that question; instead of 89% it  
should apparently have been 85% there who wanted opt-in or stricter  
protection.  I have no idea how this could happen.)

In the final report, the results are slightly less clear than in the 
preliminary report, but they are still strong - in particular if you 
look at _all_ responses by extrapolating (see spreadsheet for  

Thomas Roessler                        <roessler@does-not-exist.org>





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