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[nc-whois] Bulk Access Report

"If a required opt-out minimum standard is implemented by ICANN, the 
effects of such policy should be monitored to determine whether a more 
stringent opt-in standard should be introduced."

The above quote is from the second page of the document.

I STRONGLY Disagree with the above quote.

We already know opt-out works only to the benefit of those selling the 
lists and collecting the information, it does NOTHING to protect those who 
might actually want to opt-out.  This is the same as trying to opt out of 
spam:  it just will not happen.

The company will sell the list before anyone has had an opportunity to be 

The company will sell the list without regard to those who have requested 
to not be included.

There is no enforcement mechanism to protect those who would opt-out.

Opt-out did not receive support by those who filled out our survey and 
those who sent comments.

I do not agree that Opt-out is an acceptable policy.


    Kristy McKee, 612 823 3958
   .W I D G I T A L . ESPware.
.building widgets to make digits.

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