Hi all,
Below is a message from the NC Chair re the
NC Task Force on the proposed ICANN re-structuring.
This issue of restructuring is a critical one for
the RC. Best case, a re-structuring could result in significantly
improved representation of Registrars in the ICANN decision making
process - but there is also a real danger that it could result in a
further reduction of the influence of the RC.
To ensure that the interests of Registrars are
protected, it critical that the RC
develop a position on this issue and put
* proposed objectives of any restructuring (ie.
spell out what we - and ICANN - should be trying to achieve);
* principles to be followed in any
re-structuring; and
* options supported by the RC
To be effective, we also need to work with other
constituencies to develop support and agreed positions.
I'd be interested in working on this and suggest
we form a group of interested people to prepare an position paper for comment
by the RC.
Meanwhile we need to nominate a rep to the NC
TF. I would be interested in serving on this and/or in otherwise
assisting in developing and negotiating a good result for Registrars.
Comments? Thoughts?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 5:28 PM
Subject: [council] terms of reference for new TF on
As agreed at Montevideo allow me to propose terms of
reference for a new NC task force to consider the implications on the DNSO
of current proposals which impact on the structure of
ICANN decision making. Please let me have your support or comments for
amendment by Friday September 21 and your nominations for participation.
NC Chair
NC task force on Structure
one representative from each constituency and one from the
Terms of reference
To produce a timely impact assessment on ICANN decision
making and the role of the DNSO as a result of the proposals from the at-large
study committee, the desire of the ccTLDs to form their own supporting
organisation and other related proposals.
Initial assessment by LA November 2001
Final report by year end.
To save time, evaluate a set of possible outcomes
(scenarios) for ICANN re-structuring by considering their advantages and
disadvantages on decision making.