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[registrars] Re: FYI: German State Alters DNS To Censor Web Sites


you should all know that politicans just discussed about introducing 
Censorship for CERTAIN sites, which would have to be defined!!! But a few 
really dump ISP just took such discussion for deploying DNS Alternations to 
Censor Web Sites. The Geraman Governement nor the North Rhine-Westphalia 
Governement introduced laws to censor Web Sites. So there was simple NO 
pressure at all!!!

Best Regards,


At 10:28 22.11.2001 -0500, Ross Wm. Rader wrote:
>Who says that the DNS is purely a technical exercise?
>"Rabenwolf writes: "In the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the first
>ISP (ISIS Multimedia) has given in to pressure from the state government and
>has started to block foreign websites with supposedly "illegal content" by
>changing the corresponding DNS entries. ISIS customers trying to access
>these sites are redirected to the website of the local government. ISPs in
>North Rhine-Westphalia will have to pay a fine if they continue to provide
>access to sites with "illegal content" through their DNS servers. It's not
>as bad as China or Saudi-Arabia, but it makes you think... An article from
>the heise newsticker is here, and if you don't sprechen Deutsch, Google
>might help."
>If anyone has a reasonable translation of the Heise article, I would love to
>give it a read.

Nizzaallee 4          Tel. : +49 (0)241 412 7634
D-52072 Aachen  GSM : +49 (0)179 121 2291
Germany                            marc@storck.org

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