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[registrars] Transfers TF Update


As promised, please find to follow a brief update on Transfers. 

The month of January was really spent waiting for the GNSO Council
Implementation Committee, chaired by Bruce Tonkin, to finalize their
work. This committee was struck in mid-December by the council to
determine whether or not the recommendations of the Task Force were
implementable and if so, to what degree. For the large part, this
committee endorsed the work of the Task Force but made some important
recommendations that clarified the language to a point where it could be
easily implemented without excessive cost or effort. This report and its
recommendations can be found here:

The Task Force itself has spent the last 13 days or so analysing the
work of this committee and incorporating their clarifications into our
final report. This work was completed by the Task Force today and will
be communicated to the GNSO Council over the next twenty-four hours by
our Chair, Marilyn Cade.

It is expect that this report will be communicated to the Board in time
for a vote of the directors of ICANN during the Rio meeting. At this
point, there are no outstanding issues to deal with. Please feel free to
review the document and provide me or the GNSO Council reps with your
input. I feel extremely confident that we have arrived at a set of
recommendations that has the full support of all impacted stakeholders -
registries, registrants and registrars. 

I will forward a URL to the final document once it has been communicated
by the Secretariat to the Council.

As always, please do not hesitate to drop me a note if you have any



Ross Wm. Rader
Director, Innovation & Research
Tucows Inc.
tel: 416.538.5492
fax: 416.531.1257
email: ross@tucows.com
pager: rwr@tucows.com 

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