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RE: [registrars] Montreal meeting


With all due respect, the entire GNSO policy is directed at dealing with
gTLD's (not ccTLD's).

Are you suggesting that you would never have an opinion on a new Registry
product ?  That the GNSO should never be involved ?  That WLS for example
does not concern you because it is a product and not "policy" ?

However, I do concur that you should be able to leave the room if you are
not interested.   I am ameanable to booking them during a break or in such a
way that you can bail if you want.  I would just want to see gTLD's given
priority over ccTLD's and that we should accomidate them if possible.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Wm. Rader [mailto:ross@tucows.com]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 10:12 AM
To: Rob Hall
Cc: Rick Wesson; Registrars List
Subject: Re: [registrars] Montreal meeting

On 6/6/2003 9:00 AM Rob Hall noted that:

> Why gTLD and not ccTLD ?
> Mainly because we are all accredited for gTLD work.  That is really what
> ICANN does for us.  We have a closer relationship with gTLD's.   If they
> introducing new services, such as WLS, I know I want to hear about it, and
> it seems the perfect place to do it.  While I suspect not everyone in the
> room cares about some of the obscure ccTLD's, I bet most care about
> of consequence happening at the gTLD's.
> That said, I don't want the typical marketing crap of why their domain is
> better.  That they can do one on one.  But if they are asking for time to
> present something new, or give us an update, I welcome it.  Seems it saves
> everyone time.

My responsibility is GNSO policy - not gTLD products. There are numerous
others in our constituency in the same position. At the very least, we
should segregate the agenda in such a way that those that want to
participate can and those that don't can bail.


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