[registrars] Interesting WHOIS stats at directNIC
This is our stats on directNIC for the month of May 2003.
Now why in the world would Network Solutions do 153,613 WHOIS queries in a month? Your guess is as good as mine, I took at look at about 20 of the domains they queried and none of them were transferred from Network Solutions. We had a few from register.com and a few from openSRS, but more than 50% of the domains were new registrations with us. The strange part is they weren’t new registrations in May or even April.
So if somebody from Network Solution would be kind enough to explain why we have 153 thousand whois queries against us I will be more than happy to continue to provide them with port 43 access from that IP address. Otherwise, since I consider this to be spam, and I will be shutting down access to that IP address. Because for all I know Network Solutions may be the ones selling email addresses to all of the spammers.
Donny Simonton directNIC.com