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Re: [registrars] This List
At 16:49 06-08-99 +0100, Miesha Vukasinovic wrote:
>Could I ask that when people make submissions to this list that they put
>it through a spelling/grammatical checker. They are becoming increasingly
>difficult to read.
>Many thanks.
>Miesha Vukasinovic.
Dear Miesha:
I've often had the same feeling. However, I've never posted a message to
that effect.
Remember, there are two sensitive areas involved. The postings are in
English as understood by the writers. However, many have *no* English
spell checkers. Such a complaint throws wood on the complaints that
organisations such as ours are English centric and U.S. centric. (I
thought twice about that last sentence, but the complaints are *not* about
being "North American centric;-)
Your will note that I wrote "organisations" rather than "organizations". I
have never been able to get my Oxford spell program running in Eudora.
Regards, BobC, a Yank who's lived in Tokyo for 28 years today:-)
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