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[registrars] Re: [wg-c] ballot stuffing

At 09:04 10-12-1999 -0800, Dave Crocker wrote:

Dear Registrars Constituency Members:

Almost all the votes on this issue were coming in "yes".  Then, last night, 
there was a string of "no" votes, starting with Michael Palage, Chair of 
WG-B (and Secretariat of the Registrars Constituency) followed by someone 
in the INTA (an early supporter for the IAHC).

It is clear that the word was spread by the Trademark community and they 
jumped in and voted.

Dave Crocker has said it better than I so I attach his response.

Constituency members, get in there and vote yes!

Regards, BobC

>Looks like the trademark community needed about a day to get organized.
>For the first day of  wg-c (re-)balloting on the matter of 6-10 new gTLDs 
>, regular participants responded readily and overwhelmingly 
>positively.  Notable is that the support is from the full range of regular 
>participants, no matter how strongly they might have disagreed about other 
>matters, in the past.
>Yesterday and today we see a large number of new names, many voting 
>no.  Most appear to have affiliations that suggest an underlying concern 
>about brand protection.  Those adding comments to their votes raise very 
>old issues, thereby suggesting entirely entrenched positions and no 
>willingness to compromise.  (If they are so concerned about the points 
>they raise, why did they not participate in any of the many months of 
>This highlights the difficulties in the process.  An open process based on 
>rough consensus requires a broad commitment towards making forward 
>progress.  A well-organized community can too readily side-track or block work.

"It doesn't do any good to run
if you don't start on time!"

"A stitch in time saves nine."