Agenda Item 5


Proposal for Funding of the ISPCP


As I understand things, there are some requirements to raise financial resources for the constituency’s activities in the DNSO.


1)     Certain expenses pertaining to the constituency itself have, so far, been absorbed by members of the constituency (e.g. Teleconference bridges, secretarial work).

2)     ICANN is demanding that the DNSO contribute to expenses incurred to hold meetings, and     the Names Council have mentioned the sum of US $5.000 per constituency and per meeting will be required.

3)     The need for funds to establish a full time Secretariat for the DNSO has been raised by the Names Council, and Dennis Jennings of the NC has calculated this will require the annual sum of US $300.000.

4)     Should these sums be taken as obligatory, the ISPCP constituency would have to come up with:


Contribution to ICANN events ..........US $5.000 x 4 =  US $20.000 per annum


Contribution to the DNSO Secretariat ..........................US $42.857 per annum

(US $300.000 divided by 7 constituencies)                  .......................................  

                                                                          Total    US $62.857 per annum


(This assumes ISPCP constituency expenses are absorbed by members.)


Since the ISPCP has 24 members, the breakdown per member and per annum is:


Contribution to ICANN events ..........................US    $833.00 per annum

Contribution to DNSO Secretariat ................... US $1.785.00 per annum


                                                    Total               US $2.618.00 per annum




US $300.000 p.a. for the DNSO Secretariat seems high (US $25.000 monthly).


Also, it is likely the ISPCP membership will increase through outreach, thus increasing the number of entities who can contribute.


I would suggest that a monthly contribution of US $150.00 per month - per ISPC constituency member be established, which means

US $150 x 24 x 12 = US $43.200 (considering today’s membership).


I would use US $20.000 to cover the four ICANN events per year, and another US $20.000 as contribution per annum to the DNSO Secretariat.