Agenda Item 6


Documentation of proposed changes to the Articles of the ISPCP constituency



1.      Changes related to the Section 8. (Diversity)


a) In its special meeting of October 18th, the ICANN Board resolved:


“that the ISPs and Connectivity Providers Constituency ("ISPCP") of the DNSO is recognized for all purposes under Article VI-B, Sec. 3(a) of the ICANN Bylaws to operate in accordance with the Articles submitted to the Secretary and ordered attached to these minutes as Exhibit F, provided that the ISPCP must clarify or amend the Articles to ensure compliance with the geographic diversity requirements of Art. VI-B, Sec. 3(c) of the ICANN Bylaws, as the Board finds that Section 7.1 of the Articles does not currently ensure such compliance.”


Section 8 of the Articles was adjusted accordingly.


b) Barbara Dooley (CIX) proposed the following change:


“No more than two seats may be held by any one region, currently defined as North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia/Pacific; however, there will be no specific requirement that each region be represented on the Executive Council.”


From the point of view of the Officers, this proposal requires some review, which is why it was not included in the proposed changes to the Articles.



2.      Changes related to Representation of the ISPCP


In the Santiago meeting of the ISPCP, Rob Hall (CAIP) requested that the Articles be changed such that:


-          the function of Officers and Names Council Representatives be decoupled

-          the number of Officers be enlarged to five


On October 18, Barbara Dooley (CIX) submitted the following:


-          Enlarge the Executive Council to five seats from the current three seats

-          The terms of appointment shall be the same as for the Names Council representatives. The first terms may be shorter to allow EC members to be replaced on a schedule of 2, 2, 1.


The suggested amendments have lead to several changes in different places of the Articles:


-          amendment of the definitions

-          some changes in Section 6 (Officers) especially a change of the section (6.1.), deletion of the function “to represent the ISPCP on the Names Council” (6.2.v) and a change of the frequency of elections (6.3.)

-          a new section 7 (Representation to the Names Council) had to be added

-          the election procedures in Section 9 was changed such that in future Officers and NC Representatives will be elected every 8 months and that in each election possibly more than one vacancy can be filled



1.      Selection of the Chair


On October 18 Barbara Dooley (CIX) submitted the following:


“The chair of the EC shall be selected by the five members of the EC. The duties of the chair include the secretariat work of the  constituency, management of the election process, and acting as proxy to the Names Council representatives when necessary; however, the chair of the EC may also be a member of the Names Council.”


The last part of the suggestion is already included in the above amendments. From the point of view of the Officers, the rest of this proposal requires some review, which is why it was not included in the proposed changes to the Articles.



2.      Other decisions related to the Articles


To get the terms of office of the current and future Officers in sync, the following amendments are suggested:


-          within eight weeks from today, one additional Officer is elected

-          one of the current deputies will be replaced eight months from now, the second additional Officer will be elected then as well

-          eight months from then, the chairman is replaced in elections

-          again eight months later, the remaining deputy and the additional Officer elected this year are replaced in elections