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[announce] NC teleconf minutes May 14, 2002
[To: ga@dnso.org; announce@dnso.org]
[To: liaison7c@dnso.org]
DNSO Names Council Teleconference on 14 May 2002 - minutes
14 May 2002.
Proposed agenda and related documents
List of attendees:
Peter de Blanc ccTLD absent, apologies, proxy to Oscar Robles/
Elisabeth Porteneuve
Elisabeth Porteneuve ccTLD
Oscar Robles Garay ccTLD absent, apologies, proxy to Elisabeth
Philip Sheppard Business
Marilyn Cade Business
Grant Forsyth Business
Greg Ruth ISPCP
Antonio Harris ISPCP
Tony Holmes ISPCP absent, apologies proxy to Tony Harris
Philipp Grabensee Registrars absent, apologies, proxy to Ken Stubbs
Ken Stubbs Registrars
Bruce Tonkin Registrars
Roger Cochetti gTLD
Richard Tindal gTLD absent, apologies,
Cary Karp gTLD
Ellen Shankman IP
Laurence Djolakian IP
J. Scott Evans IP
Harold Feld NCDNH
Chun Eung Hwi NCDNH absent, apologies,
Erick Iriate NCDNH absent, apologies,
14 Names Council Members
Glen de Saint G�ry NC Secretary
Philippe Renaut MP3 Recording Engineer/Secretariat
MP3 recording of the meeting by the Secretariat:
Quorum present at 15:10 (all times reported are CET which is UTC + 2 during
summer time in the northern hemisphere).
Philip Sheppard chaired this NC teleconference.
Approval of the Agenda
Ken Stubbs proposed sending get well wishes to Peter de Blanc on behalf of
Names Council.
Ken Stubbs sugested that timely arrangements shoud be made for an archived
recording of the Names Council meeting in Bucharest.
A call for attendance at the Bucharest meeting revealed that there would be
least 12 NC members present.
The agenda was approved.
Item 1. Summary of last meetings:
Ken Stubbs moved the adoption of the summaries, seconded by Cary Karp.
The motion was carried unanimously .
Decision 1: Motion adopted.
J. Scott Evans, on behalf of the Intellectual Property Constituency,
that a footnote be added under the heading:
Policy Development Bodies
Recommendations 9, 10, 11, 12,
see the IPC submission:
The IPC sees these Bodies as Issue Identification Bodies and as such the IPC
disagrees on the function of these bodies
Elisabeth Porteneuve commented on the wording in:
Recommendation 3 - Functions
New wording:
ICANN's functions should not be extended at this time beyond what is
outlined in
the note "What ICANN Does", subject to the distinct roles of IANA and ICANN
being mainained.
commenting that IANA functions have a separate Memorandum of Understanding
between the US. Government and ICANN.
The wording does not imply any change.
Agenda item 2: NC Recommendations18 - 24 in v9.
Ph. Sheppard explained that the draft wording had come from Thomas
Roger Cochetti reminded the group that the gTLD Registry Constituency is on
record as not supporting this recommendation.
Advisory bodies, or whatever they are called, dealing with gTLDs should be
up of operators, Registrars and Registries. This was also a recommendation
the AtLarge study group.
Discussion showed that there are similarities and differences with ccTLDs
Generic ccTLDS that take on the character of gTLDs have a global impact.
Issues are similar but policies are different.
Common interests of ccTLDs and gTLDs should be identified.
ICANN cannot develop policy issues binding on ccTLDs.
Recommendation is defining a minimum not a maximum of constituencies.
Non- commercial organisations should be specified rather than non-commercila
To Internet service providers, connectivity should be added.
Concern was expressed that the Names Council position was not recommending
anything beyond the status quo, however, "Who" remains at the table remains
broadly the same, but "What" is where things should be changed.
New wording:
The stakeholders in the gTLD policy development body should be at minimum
following constituencies: Business users, intellectual property interests,
Registries, Registrars, non-commercial organisations, internet service and
connectivity providers.
The recommendation was accepted by all except the gTLD Registrar
and the Non-Commercial constituency said that their vote depended on the
language in Recommendations 19 - 21.
Recommendation 19
Ph. Sheppard added a concern mentioned earlier by the Non-Commercial
Other stakeholders, such as individual domain name holders,
A distinction should be made between permanent and temporary
New constituencies should form according to Names Council criteria.
Temporary constituency could form round a specific issue.
There was support for the idea of restructuring the GA and make it a place
issue fora.
New wording:
Recommendation 19 - Other stakeholders.
Other stakeholders, such as individual domain name holders, could be added
subject to the requirements of the Names Council "Criteria for establishing
DNSO constituencies" as set out in the NC rules of procedure at
Recommendation 19: Accepted by all
Recommendation 20
Thomas Roessler suggested being more explicit and adding 3 representatives
stakeholder/ constituency is optimal.
Marilyn Cade felt that the structure of the body should be dealt with first.
Ken Stubbs said that guidelines for electing this body should be considered
before a specific number.
Roger Cochetti commented that the recommendations appeared to be a Names
Structure, function, process should be part of the recommendation and in
function and process it will be different.
Tony Harris reminded the group that the ISCPC prefers a model on the curent
lines of the current DNSO and supports the creating of Supporting
for the ccTLD and the AtLarge.
Ken Stubbs hoped that the idea, whether called the NC or Policy Council,
groups with common interests and bringing them into contact with groups
by the policy would be explored.
Recommendation 20: Accepted by all
Recommendation 21 - Public Consultation
Deffered to the end to be discussed with the GA and public fora.
Recommendation 22
Ph. Sheppard addressed this stating that the wording also captured some of
concerns earlier expressed by Ken Stubbs. The present Task Forces have
outside expertise could be called upon and the groups would thus vary in
but have to be balanced and make recommendations to the main body.
Marilyn Cade suggested that calling in outside expertise or specific help
be emphasied, which was echoed by Harold Feld who added that there should be
formal consultation process with the constituencies in the early feedback
Further discussion pointed out the following issues:
- staff support,
- a core of drafters
- prior to submitting the report to the NC, the Task Forces should consult
and take input from the individual constituencies.
- Ken Stubbs strongly emphasised that in any deliberating process timelines
very important to efficiency.
New wording:
Recommendation 22 - working practice
The gTLD policy development body should operate by establishing small,
specialist working groups with realistic timelines. These working groups may
vary in size and composition depending on the issue and could include
expertise. The working groups would consult with constituencies/stakeholders
then make final recommendations to the Council or similar body of the gTLD
policy development body.
Recommendation 22 : Accepted by all.
Recommendation 23 - Board Liaison
Ph. Sheppard said that Board involvement in each of these bodies was an idea
that came from the last meeting.
J. Scott Evans who initiated the idea, elaborated by saying that Board
should be assigned to liaise with the various policy developing bodies,
the process and guide the Board in understanding how the policy was
New wording:
Recommendation 23 - Board liaison
To ensure Board level engagement in the policy development process one or
Board members should be assigned as a liaison to each policy development
Recommendation 23: Accepted by All
Recommendation 24
Philip Sheppard addressed the recommendation saying it tried to capture the
of an interim decision when time is critical, and Thomas Roessler suggested
defining "interim" by a maximum of 6 months.
In the discussion the Redemption paper was given as an example of where a
decision had to be made.
In time critical situations, the Board should be able to direct staff to
make a
recommendation, test out the recommendation with the Policy Development Body
(PDB), rather than expecting the PDB to do the work.
Businesses could not be expected to act on interim decisions so this was
New wording:
Recommendation 24 - extremis
Ordinarily all policy development should be via the policy development
and subject to recommendation 10 in terms of obligation on the Board. In
extremis when externalities dictate, the Board should be able to direct
staff to draft a policy for fast-track consideration (not to exceed 60 days)
the policy development bodies.
Recommendation 24: Accepted by All
Recommendation 21
Philip Sheppard addressed the recommendation, adding Thomas Roessler's
In addition to the General Assembly, the idea of fora was added and the
distinction was made between genuine stakeholders who should self organise
be part of the process, making the General Assembly a genuine assemblty of
those stakeholders and having in addition an effective means of consultation
proposed policies whereby those individuals not part of the stakeholders can
ordinarily participate
Suggested wording
The General Assembly:
The gTLD policy development body should have a general assembly whose prime
is to provide a forum for broad inter-constituency exchange. Consequently
membership should be limited to the agreed stakeholders who are represented
the policy development body.
Recommendation accepted by all.
Discussion on public consultation pointed out that:
Public consultation should be clearly defined, it is always costly and can
fundamental as it educates people. However care should be taken that values
not created through public consultation as it tends to become a dumping
for personal issues that minimise the issue at stake.
Ken Stubbs gave the example of public consultation in Domain Name Transfers
which should not focus on alternate roots.
A time limit is important without fixing it definitely.
New wording:
Public Consultation:
There should be public consultation on proposed new policy within strict
limits, typically not to exceed 30 days. Such consultation should serve as
channel by which individuals and parties not fitting into the stakeholders/
constituency scheme participate in policy-making. Fora of self-declared
interested parties should be specifically requested for input during such
consultation. The necessary financial and human resources will need to be
available for public consultation.
Accepted by everybody.
AOB - none
Philip Sheppard concluded saying that he would formally submit a report as
edited on this call. He confirmed the next teleconference on May 29, 2002 at
15:00 Paris time.
1.NC comments on evoluion and Reform Committee working paper on ICANN's
structure and the nominating committee concept:
2. Function and process on Recommendation 20
3. Report on Wait List Service (WLS) - Marilyn Cade
The teleconference ended at 17:15
Next NC teleconference May 29 at 15:00 Paris time, 13:00 UTC.
See all past agendas and minutes at
and calendar of the NC meetings at
Information from:
� DNSO Names Council
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