7th 2000 - Sheraton Hotel, Cairo
Time : 2:00 p.m. - 5:30
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
0. Introduction of participants
1. Outreach Session
1.1. Presentation of the BC activity
2:30 p. m. - 3:30 p.m.
2. Business perspective in ICANN
2.1 Exchange of views with Board Members on ICANN
scope of work
2.2 Financial Obligations to the DNSO & ICANN
2.3 Business Issues and ICANN
3:30 p. m. - 5:30 p.m.
3. Budget and business plan for the B
& C
3.1 Approval of the Business Plan and Budget (M.
3.2 Fees task force Proposal (D. Fares)
4. Reports from the WG
4.1 Experience to date from the UDRP and
B&C recommendations for the future (M. Cade, T. Shapiro)
4.2 Where has WG - B got to with Famous Names (Ph. Sheppard)
4.3 The BC Submission to WG -C on gTLDs (J. Lewis)
4.3.1 Procedure and next steps to be
carried out by the NC representatives
4.4 Feedback from WG - D on DNSO Budgets and Procedures (Th. Swinehart, B.Fausett)
4.5 Feedback from the WG - E activities (B. Washburn)
5. Business Constituency action
5.1 The BC map - strengths and weaknesses
5.2 Membership criteria
5.3 Action plan
6. A.O.B. |