DNSO Names Council Teleconference on 19 December 2000 - agenda

7 December 2000.

This agenda was established according to the agenda procedures Version 4, August 2000 proposed by the NC Intake Committee, and adopted by the NC for 3 months.

Agenda NC 19 December 2000 version 3 (120 mins)


Date, time, phones and webcast
  1. The Names Council teleconference will be held on 19 December at the following time:

    (5:00 LA, 8:00 US East Coast, 14:00 CET, 22:00 Japan/Korea, 24:00 Melbourne)
        Local time between November and end March, WINTER in the NORTH hemisphere
        Reference (Coordinated Universal Time)     UTC         13:00
        California, USA                            UTC-8+0DST   5:00
        Missouri, USA                              UTC-6+0DST   7:00
        Monterrey, Mexico                          UTC-6+0DST   7:00
        Washington DC, USA                   (EST) UTC-5+0DST   8:00
        St.Thomas, Virgin Islands                  UTC-4+0DST   9:00
        Santiago, Chile                            UTC-4+1DST  10:00 since 15 Oct
        Buenos Aires, Argentina                    UTC-3+0DST  10:00
        Nouakchott, Mauritania                     UTC+0+0DST  13:00
        London, United Kingdom                     UTC+0+0DST  13:00
        Brussels, Belgium                    (CET) UTC+1+0DST  14:00
        Barcelona, Spain                     (CET) UTC+1+0DST  14:00
        Frankfurt, Germany                   (CET) UTC+1+0DST  14:00
        Paris, France                        (CET) UTC+1+0DST  14:00
        Seoul, Korea                               UTC+9+0DST  22:00
        Tokyo, Japan                               UTC+9+0DST  22:00
        Melbourne, Australia                      UTC+10+1DST  24:00 since 27 Aug
        The DST starts/ends on last Sunday of March (with some exceptions)
        For other places see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
  2. The teleconference bridge will is provided by Ken Stubbs

  3. The NC will not be webcast due to budget constraints.

    Dial in number: 1 415 217 0050

    Conference ID Number: 121802060

    Conference leader: Ken Stubbs

    20 ports "listen only" are reserved for remote participants

    The full participants are the 19 NC members as listed in http://www.dnso.org/constituency/ncmembers.html, DNSO Secretariat and ICANN Officers

Agenda and related documents

Ken Stubbs will be chairing the NC teleconference.

  1. Approval of the agenda (Ken Stubbs) - 2 min
  2. Approval of the summary of the meeting 19 October and 14 November (Ken Stubbs) - 3 min
  3. Matters arising from the summary of 19 October and 14 November (not forming part of this agenda) (Ken Stubbs) - 5 min
  4. Secretarial support DNSO prior to recruitment of permanent staff and Openness and recording of NC meetings.
  5. LA follow up - Business Plan (Philip Sheppard /Erica Roberts) - 10 mins
  6. LA follow-up - proposed "Review Working Group" (YJ - 20 mins)
  7. Documents:

  8. New TLDs
  9. LA follow-up - Who Is? (YJ) - 5 mins
  10. Documents:

  11. Budget Committee - status report (Roger Cochetti) - 5 min
  12. Independent Review Panel nomination committee proposals - status report (K.Stubbs/C.Chicoine) - 5 min
  13. Request from GA for NC to consider an Individuals Constituency (YJ) 5 mins (see supporting document from Ken Stubbs)
  14. Duke University Law Report (Peter de Blanc) 5 mins
  15. Any New Business (ANB)
  16. (Allocated items time 90 mins)

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