DNSO Names Council Teleconference on 19 December 2000 - minutes

21 December 2000.

Proposed agenda and related documents:


List of attendees:

   Peter de Blanc          ccTLD          (left early, proxy to Porteneuve)
   Elisabeth Porteneuve    ccTLD    
   Oscar Robles Garay      ccTLD          absent (apology)
   Philip Sheppard         Business
   Theresa Swinehart       Business       (left early, proxy to Sheppard)
   Hirofumi Hotta          ISPCP
   Tony Harris             ISPCP
   Michael Schneider       ISPCP
   Erica Roberts           Registrars
   Ken Stubbs              Registrars     absent (apology, proxy to Kane)
   Paul Kane               Registrars
   Roger Cochetti          gTLD
   Caroline Chicoine       IP             (left early, proxy to aus der Muhlen)
   Axel Aus der Muhlen     IP
   Guillermo Carey         IP             absent
   Youn Jung Park          NCDNH
   Dany Vandromme          NCDNH
   Zakaria Amar            NCDNH          absent
   Louis Touton            ICANN staff
   Maca Jamin              Scribe

Due to family emergency Ken Stubbs was prevented from chairing this meeting. Philip Sheppard chaired the entire session on his behalf.

Quorum present at 14:10 (all times reported are CET, which is UTC +1:00 during the winter in the North hemisphere)

Note: BC has not yet replaced Masanobu Katoh, newly elected at-large Director. The BC aims to do so before the next NC meeting in January. L. Touton confirmed that according to the ICANN Bylaws M. Katoh cannot participate in NC meetings anymore and consequently his proxy cannot be used.

Minutes of the meeting.

Ph. Sheppard closed the meeting and thanked all attendees for their participation.


End of meeting at 16:40 CET. Next Names Council Teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday January 24th 2001

Information from: © DNSO Names Council