18 December 2001.
Proposed agenda and related documents: http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20011213.NCteleconf-agenda.html
List of attendees:
Peter de Blanc ccTLD Elisabeth Porteneuve ccTLD Oscar Robles Garay ccTLD [absent at the beginning, joined at 16.00 CET (Paris time)] Philip Sheppard Business Marilyn Cade Business Grant Forsyth Business Greg Ruth ISPCP proxy for Tony Holmes Antonio Harris ISPCP Tony Holmes ISPCP (absent, apologies, proxy to Greg Ruth) Erica Roberts Registrars Ken Stubbs Registrars Paul Kane Registrars (absent) Roger Cochetti gTLD Richard Tindal gTLD Cary Karp gTLD Caroline Chicoine IP Laurence Djolakian IP proxy for Guillermo Carey Guillermo Carey IP (absent, apologies, proxy to Laurence Djolakian) Milton Mueller NCDNH Youn Jung Park NCDNH proxy for Vany Martinez Vany Martinez NCDNH (absent, apologies, proxy to YJ Park ) Louis Touton ICANN staff Theresa Swinehart ICANN staff Glen de Saint Géry NC Secretary Philippe Renaut MP3 Recording Engineer/Secretariat
Marc Blanchet IETF representative invited to talk on IDN Task Force
Danny Younger GA Chair invited to talk on Transfer task Force
MP3 Recording of the meeting by the Secretariat: http://www.dnso.org/dnso/mp3/20011213.NCteleconf.mp3
Quorum present at 15:05 (all times reported are CET, which is UTC +1:00 during
the winter in the Northern hemisphere)
Ph. Sheppard chaired this NC teleconference
Agenda item 1: Approval of the Agenda
PhilipSheppard added an item to the agenda - ICANN budget preparation for 2002.
Item 4 on the agenda was moved to after ICANN budget preparation for 2002.
Approval of summaries of last two
meetings in Marina del Rey (12 and 14 November)
Ken Stubbs moved a motion to adopt agenda and both summaries, seconded by Cary Karp:
DECISION D1: The agenda and minutes of November 12th and 14th were approved, one abstention, Erica Roberts.
Agenda item 2: Adoption of amended final report on Review Task Force
-The NC Review task force submitted the final report to the NC during the Marina del Rey meeting. The bulk of the report was approved of by Council. The amendments reflect the discussions in Marina del Rey. A recommendation to change the bylaws has been substituted with a description of the consensus process incorporating language from the registry agreement. Minority views are contained in the report.
Peter de Blanc moved that the report be adopted, this was seconded by Erica Roberts.
-DECISION D2: The NC Review Report as amended was adopted by 11 votes in favour, 7 abstentions. 1 against.
(Laurence Djolakian carried the proxy vote for Guillermo Carey, and Greg Ruth carried the proxy vote for Tony Holmes, YJ Park carried the proxy for Vany Martinez)
Agenda item 2: Budget proposal
- comment on the budget proposal sent by ICANN.
ICANN asked the NC to comment on their budget preparation for 2002 and in
relation to that Philip Sheppard tabled the following short resolution:
Whereas ICANN has invited the Names Council to comment on its 2002 budget,
1. The request below follows the earlier NC resolution requesting ICANN funding
of 11 April 2001.
2. The request below follows a resolution of the General Assembly of May 28,
"The General Assembly of the DNSO hereby petitions the ICANN Board to fund
the DNSO and all other Supporting Organisations with funding adequate for the
operation and administration of such Supporting Organisations (all monies donated
to be allocated and disbursed from ICANN central accounts). The General Assembly
of the DNSO further asks for formal inclusion in the overall ICANN Budgetary
3. There is support in the At-Large SC 2001 report for funding of the SOs.
4. Constituencies waste considerable time on fund raising activities, taking
away time from DNSO policy advise to the Board.
5. Fees cause division in the DNSO (eg the non commercial constituency is on
a time line to have its votes withdrawn) and this division is counterproductive
to achieving policy consensus.
6. The DNSO is a central part of the ICANN process and the most political/media
exposed of the SOs.
7. The ICANN Secretariat is about to issue contracts for the provision of professional
DNSO secretariat support, so this service is already under ICANN staff control.
The Names Council therefore resolves
to request that ICANN allocates a sum of USD 170,000 in its 2002 budget and
an equivalent sum annually thereafter for the provision of secretariat services
to the DNSO.
In discussion the following points
were made:
- Stuart Lynn's message that proposals
received before January 10 would be more effective prompted this proposal
- the DNSO is different from other SOs in activity, structure and stakeholders
- it is not that constituencies do not want to support the DNSO, but they have
their own expenses
- ICANN's subsidy to the DNSO is a controversial topic among the other SOs
- although registrars/registries are the means of revenue collection, ultimately
all funding comes from users
- a one time voluntary donation or contract is easier to collect.
Philip Sheppard proposed the resolution and it was seconded by Milton Mueller.
DECISION D3 The resolution was adopted by 14 votes in favour, 3 against, 2 abstentions
Agenda item 5: Discussion
on IDNs with IETF representative
Elisabeth Porteneuve introduced the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
representative, Marc Blanchet.
Marc Blanchet reported that there is consensus on the basic architecture. This is an application based processing, the user will type in the language and script of his domain name, the application will process it and convert it into ASCII. This is sent to the DNS resolution for an answer.
No change has to be made in the DNS
protocol, there will only be a change on the application side.
Three main documents backing this up have been agreed upon as the basic architecture
at the Salt Lake City conference:
2. Name Prep
3. AMCZ encoding of the DN in an ASCII form
These will be forwarded by the ISG to the Internet Engineering Steering Group
(IESG) which will go through the process and finally publish a Requests For
Comments (RFC) that will become standard. At this point a prefix is chosen and
then the Registrars and Registries will be able to start.
Difficulties still occur in proposals
enhancing basic architecture for the Asian languages, and how to handle added
steps at the upper layer of the DNS.
While there is urgency, it is important that there are no technical flaws and
it is difficult to predict a final date for the RFC.
is no perfect solution.
Intellectual Property is considered as outside the IETF Role.
Next Steps for the IDN
Determine the areas where the International
Domain Names (IDN) Task force can provide advice to the Names Council on policy
Time frame: The work will be resumed
in January and by the next NC meeting there will be feed-back.
Agenda item 3: Adoption of final
report on dot Org (provisional) Philip Sheppard, in discussion with the dot Org TF chairman, Milton Mueller,
had produced a revised text of the final TF report clarifying meanings and not
changing the substance so helping to meet a number of the issues raised by Louis
Milton Mueller said the TF had put
out a solid report which recommended that the new dot ORG TLD should be sponsored
according to the guidelines setout but ultimately
there should be no enforcement of eligibility restrictions. Modifications had
been made to eliminate the label sponsored and restricted and to change the
term "accreditation of Registrars" to qualification of Registrars
which is what domain sponsors do. It leaves the choice of those who apply for
this domain to propose the method of qualification of Registrars.
It was a workable proposal
for the NC to ratify and move forward.
Key issues that arose concerned:
- implementing ICANN policy and the ability of all ICANN accredited registrars
to act as registrars for dot ORG.
- more time is needed to discuss the modifications.
- Milton was of the opinion that further discussions should focus on two points
c) What specific authority over registrar qualification and/or practices are
we giving new dot ORG?
d) Should we try to achieve the same policy objectives via an unsponsored, unrestricted
The TF was requested to consider
the questions raised by Louis Touton and others and to identify a classification
that met with both TF agreement and would be practical. The TF will submit a
final report to the January NC meeting.
Agenda item 5:
TransferTask Force
Due to time constraints Philip Sheppard announced that this would be the last item on the agenda and the Task Force updates should be made by email to the lists.
Marilyn Cade reported that members were being recruited for the task force.
It was agreed to extend the original number of participants per constituency
from to one to two but that each constituency would have only one vote. This
was to overcome the inability of certain constituencies to agree on one opinion,
central to the task of the TF. Each constituency would choose their representative,
the GA was having an election to do this and the ccTLDs would do so soon. A
Task Force only teleconf was being arranged to discuss terms of reference and
Danny Younger, retiring chair of the GA, made a number of comments:
-ince the Council has adopted the Review Task Force report, article 14 in the
report requires a Risk Cost Analysis.
The auto ACK mode has caused a considerable loss in stocks and registrations.
How is the degree of loss going to be quantified from registrars that have switched
from the auto NACK to the auto ACK policy?
- Can Council perform such an analysis and if not can it allocate the funds
for such an analysis to be undertaken?
- The minority view must be listened to and the consensus process respected.
- Registrants' views are important should be heard through the working group
The interim Transfer TF Chair, Marilyn Cade, commented that she was not charged with changing a Task Force into a working group but the terms of reference state, and TF members agree that outreach to registrants is essential.
OAB: No other business.
Ph. Sheppard closed the meeting and thanked the dot museum registry for sponsoring the call.
17.20 end of call.
Next NC teleconference will take place on 17th January 2002 at 15:00 CET
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