DNSO Names Council Teleconference on 17 June 2002 - minutes |
17 June 2002.
Proposed agenda and related documents http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20020617.NCteleconf-agenda.html
List of attendees:
Peter de Blanc ccTLD absent, apologies, proxy to Oscar Robles/ Elisabeth Porteneuve Elisabeth Porteneuve ccTLD Oscar Robles Garay ccTLD absent Philip Sheppard Business Marilyn Cade Business Grant Forsyth Business absent, apologies, proxy to Marilyn Cade, Philip Sheppard Greg Ruth ISPCP Antonio Harris ISPCP absent Tony Holmes ISPCP Philipp Grabensee Registrars absent, Ken Stubbs Registrars Bruce Tonkin Registrars absent, apologies, proxy to Ken Stubbs, P. Grabensee Roger Cochetti gTLD Jordyn Buchanan gTLD absent, Cary Karp gTLD Ellen Shankman IP Laurence Djolakian IP absent, apologies, proxy to Ellen Shankman J. Scott Evans IP Harold Feld NCDNH Chun Eung Hwi NCDNH absent, Erick Iriate NCDNH absent, Ron Sherwood Observer, represented Peter de Blanc in his absence
11 Names Council Members
Alejandro Pisanty Chair ICANN Evolution Committee Hans Kraaijenbrink ICANN Evolution Committee Lyman Chapin ICANN Evolution Committee Thomas Roessler GA Chair Alexander Svensson GA Alternate Chair Glen de Saint Géry NC Secretary Alix Guillard MP3 Recording Engineer/Secretariat
MP3 recording of the meeting by the Secretariat: http://www.dnso.org/dnso/mp3/20020617.NCteleconf.mp3
Quorum present at 15:10 (all times reported are CET which is UTC + 2 during summer time in the northern hemisphere).
Philip Sheppard chaired this NC teleconference.
Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved.
Item 1. Summary of last meeting:
Ellen Shankman moved the adoption of the summaries,
The motion was carried. There was one abstention: Cary Karp
Decision 1: Motion adopted.
Item 2. Discussion and adoption of NC reply to the Evolution committee
Philip Sheppard suggested walking through the Names Council reply to the Committee on ICANN evolution and reform - Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN June 2002 v2. He addressed the paper stating that there had been an extensive debate since March 2002 and the substantial recommendations within were based on the recommendations (v12) already adopted following extensive consultation with the Names Council and General Assembly.
Introduction: This includes a statement (suggested on the previous
call by Ken Stubbs) that underlying all of them are recommendations on funding and staff support.
Accepted by all
1. Scope and Mission
Accepted by all.
II Board Composition
For clarity, NC recommendation 30 (policy development bodies should elect
board seats) will be added to this section. Marilyn Cade suggested the addition of "national" in Q1:
d) government. The GAC cannot be treated in this way. "National" governments
speak for themselves.
In addition she raised the point about accountability and made it clear that
advisory bodies should not vote but have a purely advisory function.
New wording: Q 2 a) accountability
Advisory Body appointees also may
lack accountability, especially if the Board
has responsibility for appointments to the advisory body.
Harold Feld pointed out that the original purpose of ICANN was to prevent it
falling under Government purview and incorporating a Government seat on the
board is moving in the wrong way.
He also requested that the Non-commercials be added footnote 4 as not supporting
a nominating committee.
Accepted by all.
III. Board Selection Process
Accepted by all
IV Nominating committee composition and responsibility
Philip Sheppard addressed this saying that he based the proposed wording on the Registrars
proposal discussed at the previous meeting.
Tony Holmes expressed concern that the three groups would not be understood
by all the audience.
Ron Sherwood asked for clarification on the two groups, users and at-large while
Elisabeth Portneuve suggested that public interest should be clarified.
It was decided to define these by amalgamating paragraphs 1 and 2.
Accepted by all.
V Policy Development Structure
Q. 9 Technical Advisory Committee
Marilyn Cade raised the point that with the Protocol Supporting Organisation
coming to an end, how would the technical community elect board seats in their
Accepted by all
VI Policy development process
Philip Sheppard stressed the importance of the Names Council endorsing a bottom
up process.
Harold Feld endorsed the GA footnotes 8 and 9 and added that General Assembly
has always been a place for participation and not cross constituency discussion.
Management by the board of process in recommendation 9 was questioned by Marilyn Cade.
She felt this could be misinterpreted.
Ellen Shankman expressed concern about the meaning of bottom-up process.
It was agreed to add a footnote to recommendation 9 clarifying that by managed
the NC envisages an oversight role of the process, not policy management.
Accepted by all
VII Public Oversight and Participation
Philip Sheppard read the two sentences added after the last meeting concerning
the ombudsman's office which should have the right to invoke arbitration for
alleged by-law violations based on the rationale that external arbitration imposes
costs to those invoking the process and although costs could deter frivolous
arbitration they might hinder legitimate requests.
Harold Feld suggested that a note be added that it does not foreclose the right
of the individual to proceed at their own expense. If a right is not explicitly
preserved it will be read out.
Accepted by all as amended.
VIII Funding
J. Scott agreed with the recommendations but believed that no one has said where the money is coming from.
The Chair pointed out that this was reasonably clear from recommendation 5 on
core funding (gTLD registrant fees). Accepted by all.
IX Government
Accepted by all.
X Outside resources
Accepted by all.
XI Internal ICANN structure
Accepted by all.
Discussion with members of the ICANN evolution committee
At this time 16:10 (Paris) Philip Sheppard welcomed Alejandro
Pisanty, Hans Kraaijenbrink and Lyman Chapin from the evolution committee who
joined the Names Council teleconference.
Philip Sheppard summarised by saying that the Names Council drafted a paper
in response to the evolution committee and that key differences were:
1. The policy development entities should
elect their own chairs and board members. They should be more self determining
than the committee has proposed.
2. The Advisory committees should be advisory. They should not provide board
3. There may be a role for a nominating committee, but only to select half or
less of the Board. They should have no role in relation to policy development or
other bodies.
Board selection
On point 1, Alejandro Pisanty said that many comments had been received that pointed to
an opening for more self determining policy development bodies. He
mentioned that he was personally pushing for a more self determining role.
Hans Kraaijenbrink commented that he
was interested in the Names Council arguments for the policy development
bodies to elect Directors. He viewed it as a power issue. Whereas the
community views the board as a team in a way that people are delegated from
certain communities with the intention to work in a team and to include the
supporting organisations and advisory councils in a liaison capacity, whether
voting or non voting. Philip Sheppard asked why a nominating
committee would be likely to choose a better person or team player than if the
DNSO or supporting organisation elected someone. Hans Kraaijenbrink answered that working
through a nominating committee there could be a balance achieved in the different aspects needed whereas the other resembled a parliamentary
model with appointments from different sections. He added that it was more a
philosophical than practical question.
Marilyn Cade responded to the issue saying ICANN had done well. The outcome identified should be shared goal, but a policy organisation could select their board members on a set of criteria that will support the defined outcome.
Alejandro Pisanty emphasised that there should be a balance of different personalities and outlooks and that the board must be more widely representative.
Marilyn Cade and Ph. Sheppard clarified that the Names Council looks at two ways in making up the board: half the board seats would be elected by the Policy developing entities and half by the nominating committee process
Alejandro Pisanty said that there are a lot of views on who will be on the nominating committee. The gTLD Registrars and gTLD Registries want an appointment, while many feel it should be open and without politics, serving the common good of all. He also felt that At-large was perhaps not the best term when the objective was stewardship of public interest.
Harold Feld expressed two concerns about the nominating committee
- its ability to return good board members through undefined criteria
- the results of the selection being regarded as legitimate by the broader community.
Alejandro Pisanty shared these concerns and said that the committee was striving
to balance 2 sources of legitimacy:
- having channels open and listening to people
- legitimacy in achievement.
The At-Large effort was well intended and a huge effort was put into it, but
it was not working well enough to provide legitimacy in representation.
Ph. Sheppard asked whether it could be envisaged that the wide role of the nominating
committee could be reduced to which Alejandro Pisanty replied that the
committee was moving in that direction.
Philip Sheppard introduced the item of funding saying the it was the number
one issue to be considered. Funding means the ability for staff support for
policy development which would improve in quality and speed. Other changes would
be insufficient without adequate funding. The core funding is from the fees
paid by gTLD registrants. Everything else such as ccTLDs should be looked upon
as secondary to setting up the budget.
Both Alejandro Pisanty, Hans Kraaijenbrink and Lyman Chapin agreed on the importance of funding saying that the present form of collecting money from the Registrars and Registies should be improved, but care should be taken about the way this is presented.
Advisory bodies.
Ph. Sheppard stated the NC was in disagreement with the nature of these as set out by
the committee. Better communication was the objective. Technical advisory bodies
needed greater flexibility and do not need to be standing committees but could
come and go. Voting board representation should not be entrenched as it would
impede future advice. Improved communication is counterbalanced by lack of flexibility
i the advisory bodies.
Hans Kraaijenbrink made a distinction between the existence of advisory committees, and the liaison function between the advisory body and the board. No finality has been reached on this. Technical advisory committees with liaison functions where the chair would have full access to the board meeting with a possibility to intervene in board discussions was being considered. Whether or not they would have voting capacity would have to be decided once board composition was established.
Philip Sheppard mentioned that the Names Council is not in favour of scrapping the Protocol Supporting Organisation and has not heard reasoning to support replacing it with a technical advisory committee.
General Assembly
Harold Feld expressed concern about the way that the General Assembly was
seen and said that it was a place for individual interests, who do not fit into
constituencies, to have their voice heard. He was concerned that by eliminating
it there would be no room for participants who had no other voice.
Alejandro Pisanty did not agree with his description and reminded him that from the beginning there had always been tension as to its role which was seen as cross constituency dialogue. He felt that this had not happened despite the great efforts of the present chair to make it meaningful. He went on further to say that the lack of a meeting place for cross constituency dialogue has hampered the DNSO functioning. Ways of balancing the cross constituency dialogue and the large community must be found.
Ph. Sheppard agreed saying that the GA has been forced to try to meet two objectives (cross-constituency communication and a forum for individuals not represented in constituencies). The NC believes it better to separate out the two objectives and then meet both more effectively.
Thomas Roessler, GA chair spoke to the separate roles. He did not want to lose a place where open public dialogue and cross constituency dialogue could take place on ICANN issues. Alejandro Pisanty said that the GA has an anatomy and a physiology (structure and function) and that these two need to be considered separately.
Elisabeth Porteneuve said that in the Reform document of 31 May have made certain
assumptions that ccTLDs should accept, but she believes that this has not been
discussed with ccTLDs. One sentence in particualar is of concern:
"Policies relating to global issues are developed through the ICANN process
and ccTLD members agree to abide by them"
The ccTLD Managers live in national environments and respect local
legislation. It is not appropriate to demand that the ccTLDs abide by
the extrajudiciary policy rules developped in the ICANN process, as these
rules may contradict national laws.
Hans Kraaijenbrink agreed with Elisabeth Porteneuve and said that it would be
helpful if the ccTLDs reacted to the question as to what ICANN should do with
Alejandro Pisanty went on to say there was no unified voice and no global issues.
He maintained that there was a need for a balance between global coordination
and and local constraints. He gave the example where in Latin America and Africa,
ccTLDs had been protected from Governments by ICANN.
Hans Kraaijenbrink thanked Oscar Robles for his valuable contribution to the
Philip Sheppard thanked the three Evolution committee members for their valuable
participation and concluded the meeting saying that he would forward a final
reply from the NC to the committee before the Bucharest meeting.
The teleconference ended at 17:10
Next NC meeting will be held in the main auditorium of the Marriott Hotel in Bucharest on Wednesday June 26 at 14:00 local time, 11:00 UTC/GMT
See all past agendas and minutes at http://www.dnso.org/dnso/2002calendardnso.html
and calendar of the NC meetings at
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