DNSO Names Council Teleconference on 12 September 2002 - minutes |
Proposed agenda and related documents
List of attendees:
Elisabeth Porteneuve ccTLD Oscar Robles Garay ccTLD Philip Sheppard Business Marilyn Cade Business Grant Forsyth Business Greg Ruth ISPCP absent, proxy to Tony Holmes Antonio Harris ISPCP absent Tony Holmes ISPCP Philipp Grabensee Registrars absent Ken Stubbs Registrars Bruce Tonkin Registrars Roger Cochetti gTLD Jordyn Buchanan gTLD Cary Karp gTLD Ellen Shankman IP Laurence Djolakian IP J. Scott Evans IP Harold Feld NCDNH absent, apologies, proxy to Erick Chun Eung Hwi NCDNH absent, apologies, proxy to Erick Erick Iriate NCDNH 15 Names Council Members Ross Rader Invited guest, Transfer Task Force Thomas Roessler GA Chair Glen de Saint Géry NC Secretary Philippe Renaut MP3 Recording Engineer/Secretariat
MP3 recording of the meeting by the Secretariat: http://www.dnso.org/dnso/mp3/20020912.NCteleconf.mp3
Quorum present at 15:10 (all times reported are CET which is UTC + 2 during summer time in the northern hemisphere).
Bruce Tonkin chaired this NC teleconference.
Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved
Bruce reminded everyone that a year ago
many ICANNers were on their way back from the Uruguay meetings when the tragic
event of 11 September happened which affected everyone and led to many people
being stuck experiencing great difficulties in getting in touch with loved ones.
Glen reminded the group that we are all really together as a global community,
asked to join hands and form a virtual chain, fill their hearts with love and
peace and observe a minute of silence.
Item 1. Summaries of last meetings:
Ken Stubbs moved the adoption of the minutes seconded by Philip Sheppard,
The motion was carried.
Decision 1: Motion adopted.
Item 3: Actions from last meeting- report on suggested process for addressing
deletes. (15 minutes)
Bruce proposed the following course of action for dealing with the deletes
issue after consultation with Marilyn Cade, chair of transfers task force (where
deletes has been discussed in context of transfers and WLS):
Steps are as follows:
(1) Produce an issues report for the NC meeting on 3 Oct 2002. The issues report
will be produced using the resources of a small team (deletes issues team) comprising:
Bruce Tonkin Alexander Svensson Ross Wm. Rader Ram Mohan Jordyn A. Buchanan
Liu, Hong The report will be available by 19 September so that it may be discussed
within the constituencies prior to the 3 Oct meeting.
(2) At the meeting of 3 Oct 2002, decide whether to initiate policy action,
and whether to create a task force.
(3) If the decision is to create a task force, then an interim membership of
the taskforce will be established, and a draft terms of reference developed
and posted for consideration by constituencies by 17 October 2002.
(4) If a task force is created, then the NC will discuss and agree on the task
force, terms of reference, outcomes and timeline for the task force at the meeting
in Shanghai on Tuesday 29 October 2002.
Marilyn Cade proposed that the process as outlined go forward and Ken Stubbs
seconded the proposal.
Unanimously accepted by the Names Council members
Decision 2: Accept proposition by Bruce Tonkin following the course of action for dealing with the deletes issue.
Item 4: Update on ICANN Board election process (5 minutes)
secretariat reported that to date, Alejandro Pisanty had received 16
endorsements, YJ Park 8 and Vivek Durai 7, thus
it was sure that Alejandro Pisanty would stand for election as 10 endorsements
are required per candidate.
The voting procedure as laid out
defines that the vote by electronic ballot must be confirmed by a Names Council
teleconference and the Secretariat would enquire which date, 26 or 27 September
would be most suitable for all Council members to confirm the vote.
Action: Enquire from the members which date, 26 or 27 September is
most suitable.
Item 5. - Transfer Task Force - review current status of outcomes with respect
to the terms of reference.
Bruce Tonkin summarized as follows:
TRANSFERS Task Force Terms of Reference (process started 11 October 2001):
The purpose of the Task Force on Transfers is to:
--develop broad understanding across the NC of the issues underlying the disputed
area of transfers of domain names between registrars
--ensure understanding of the proposed approach as documented in the Registrars'
procedural document, which has been voted on by the Registrars
--identify any broad policy issues (separate from contract issues), which are
the responsibility of the DNSO -devise recommendations which have broad cross
constituency support to any identified problems arising from the language of
the existing agreements where policy needs to guide contractual changes.
--undertake a "fast track" working effort, via a Task Force, to present a proposal
for NC consideration at Marina del Ray NC meeting and to recommend next steps,
if any.
Transfers Task Force Recommendation
Current situation:
The gaining registrar can initiate a transfer after receiving a request from
a registrant. There is no minimum standard as to how the gaining registrar should
confirm a transfer request, and the process has been open to abuse (e.g robust
The losing registrar can deny a transfer for several reasons, including if the
losing registrar doubts the identity of the person that has approved the transfer.
There is no standard that defines in detail how the losing registrar determines
if the registrant has given approval. This process has also been open to abuse
by effectively denying nearly all transfers.
The transfers task force has proposed a detailed process for improving both
the steps above.
The gaining registrars must confirm a transfer request (the original request
may contain the auth-code as part of an EPP registry implementation) by attempting
to contact either the administrative contact of the domain name in the WHOIS,
or the registrant directly.
The administrative contact or registrant must then explicitly consent to the
This consent is described by a "Form of Authorisation" that provides the name
of the gaining registrar and a concise statement describing the impact of the
registrant's decision. The gaining registrar must keep records of the consent.
A losing registrar may contact the administrative contact or registrant to confirm
the intent to transfer. If the contact denies the transfer, then the losing
registrar will deny the transfer on the registrant's behalf (this is sometimes
called NACK). If there is no reply, the losing registrar will rely on the processes
of the gaining registrar (this is sometimes called default ACK).
Ross Rader commented that it was an accurate summary of the situation.
Marilyn Cade was concerned about the impact that changes would have
on the registrants and the way they would be informed,to which Bruce
Tonkin agreed that explaining the process to the registrants in a simplified
way was important.
Roger Cochetti, quoting a similar procedure in the telephone company
world, where a third party was used to provide independent verification of the
registrant's wishes, said that a subscriber had to confirm his intent to change
while the present recommendations rely on the goodwill of the gaining registrar,
as well as the failure of the registrant to reject the notice of transfer. Roger
recommended that the task force develop an enforcement structure to avoid gaming
of the processes. In addition he felt the work on enforcement should be completed,
before a whole evaluation could be made.
In discussion , Ross Rader said that the recommendations stressed the
importance of obtaining authority and an enforcement structure to balance the
J.Scott Evans said users were being affected and very dissatisfied with
the present state of affairs.
Marilyn Cade said that an interim report would be posted next week for
public comment.
There would also be a Transfer session in Shanghai which was planned before
the Names Council meeting.
Bruce Tonkin thanked Marilyn Cade, Ross Rader and the
task force for the work they have done.
Item 6. - WHOIS Task Force - review current status of outcomes with respect
to the terms of reference (see below) - seek feedback from NC members on draft
recommendations and points of contention within the task force (30 minutes).
Bruce Tonkin summarized the situation:
WHOIS Task Force Terms of Reference
The WHOIS Committee is to conduct an information gathering exercise and draft
a report identifying areas of agreement, and highlighting where more work is
necessary and the mechanism by which the identified work is undertaken (Task
Force/Working Group). Present the draft report to the community for review and
comment, then finalise the report and submit the report to the NC.
WHOIS Task Force Draft Recommendations:
(A) Accuracy of data contained in the WHOIS database
- enforcing the existing contractual provisions in the gTLD environment.
- a method of graduated sanctions or enforcements should be considered, in order
to facilitate the actual enforcement of the current policy with respect to WHOIS
data accuracy. If not, then more substantial changes to the Registrars Accreditation
Agreement itself or the establishment of consensus policies (as necessary) should
be considered.
(B) Uniformity of data formats and elements across various TLDs and registrars,
including ccTLDs.
- uniform data format across gTLD and ccTLD environments should be evaluated.
uniform WHOIS data elements across all gTLDs.
uniformity of data elements across gTLDs and ccTLDs: should be the subject of
separate deliberations taking into account specific aspects of the TLD environments,
the value of accountability and transparency across the domain name system and
public interest concerns.
(C) Better searchability of WHOIS databases.
ICANN should explore both enforcing the mandate to registrars and registries
to provide (or to cooperate in the provision of) such complete WHOIS search
service, and a market-based approach based on bulk access to WHOIS data. The
Task Force suggests that ICANN explore how best to swiftly develop and implement
a plan for cross-registry Whois services, including through third party services,
based on bulk access to WHOIS data.
(D) Marketing use of WHOIS data; bulk access provisions.
- review of the current bulk access provisions of the Registrar Accreditation
- exploring the option to reduce registrars' discretion in the design of their
respective bulk access agreements,
- stronger privacy protection for registrants,
- stronger restrictions on marketing use of WHOIS data,
- facilitation of bulk access for value-added non-marketing services, as originally
contemplated in the RAA.
Laurence Djolakian reported that different working groups had been formed
to facilitate the work and few public comments were received.
Marilyn Cade said that outreach to people with expertise is going on.
An official session of the WHOIS could be held in Shanghai if there is enough
interest. The coordination with other groups doing similar work would benefit
the Task Force.
Elisabeth Porteneuve asked about the WHOIS concerning IP addresses, and
while the Task Force had not examined the issue, Bruce Tonkin said that
it had come up in the Security committee and that Rick Wesson could be
asked to coordinate on this issue.
Ken Stubbs urged that a methodology for identifying abusers who use bulk
data for spamming should be developed and ICANN should enforce provisions, otherwise
Governments would step in and impose sanctions. A statement echoed by Philip
Bruce Tonkin said that the 4 areas in the recommendations should be discussed within the constituencies.
Marilyn Cade said that another draft for public comment and elaboration in the 4 areas was due out soon.
Roger Cochetti and Ellen Shankman excused themselves and dropped off the
Item 7 - Feedback from Second Interim Implementation Report from the committee
of ICANN Evolution and Reform
Philip Sheppard made 2 comments:
- that the report shows good signs of listening to what thecommunity has been
saying. 3 GNSO representatives for the first year will automatically fall to
2 after one year. Suggests a resolution that there should be a review process
after one year.
- There is a fundamental shift in stakeholder representation being suggested
and double voting to bodies with contractual relationships with ICANN. There
should be a balance of interest of the two groups and any variation from the
principle of equal stakeholder constituency representation and votes in the
proposed GNSO council is unacceptable.
Tony Holmes said that a key issue for the ISPCPs was the representation
from 3 to 2 which has geographical diversity implications and the document does
not reflect this. In addition he asked about the ability of the Names Council
to pick up critical issues that had been discussed and have not been acknowledged
and make further representation in the time frame available.
Marilyn Cade said that the attitude conveyed to all broad stakeholder
groups, such as the Regional IP Registries (RIR), root server operators, ccTLD
and gTLD registries was a very top down process and a risky approach as ICANN
is built on a bottom up, with participation from a broad range of stakeholders
from the technical community to the policy making bodies to the ccTLDs. She
suggested conveying to the Evolution and Reform Committee that it should be
an evolutionary process and changes could be destructive. The relationship with
the RIRs should be documented, recognition given to establishing a separate
Country Code Supporting organisation and define the processes to interact with
the gTLDs.
Erick Iriate excused himself and dropped off the call
Elisabeth Porteneuve said that the ccTLDs had made an enormous effort
during August to contact the ERC and work out procedures and this has been completely
by passed. They have set up a committee with members theychoose and the ccTLDs
are very dissatisfied.
Thomas Roessler, GA chair, joined the call 16:25 CET
Oscar Robles said that an assistance group had been set up, but the
membership was not known and not to ask the ccTLDs was a mistake. However he
felt that it was important to support the work of this group as the working
period is only two weeks. He said that at least one of the people was from the
European Union.
Invitations have been sent out to an unknown population and only a sub group
has some information about the assistance group.
Ken Stubbs said that he was confused by what Elisabeth (no ccTLD members
on this committee)and Oscar (committee is in process of being formed) said.
He expressed concern about the ccTLD involvement in developing policy for competitive
TLDs, that is, gTLDs. The argument given for their participation is that the
ccTLDs are representing their constituency, their residents. While in the beginning
when the DNSO was formed there were a series of constituencies to represent
various elements within the Internet such as the Business constituency. As we
move forward with the future ICANN, the ccTLDs are not enamoured with the Registrars
or gTLD Registries being involved in developing policies for them dealing with
ICANN, such as redelegation, not the policies in their countries, but the policies
dealing with ICANN specifically. If we could get an assurance that the ccTLDs
would take a step back and allow those constituencies who deal with policies
as they relate to gTLDs, it would be much easier to provide encouragement for
their position as we move forward.
Elisabeth Porteneuve responded saying that ccTLDs have only been asking
for correct IANA functioning, the updating in IP name servers is not being done
by ICANN. The reason for being part of the ICANN process is the IANA function
and the root server service.
Ken Stubbs expressed concern on an ongoing basis, and said that he was
not saying the ccTLDs should not be part of the process.
Bruce Tonkin suggested that Philip Sheppard, Elisabeth Porteneuve and Marilyn Cade send motions to the Names Council list to be seconded and voted on by e-mail ballot.
Item 8. - Agenda topics for next meeting 3 Oct 2002
- review activities of task forces not covered in this meeting (decide whether
terms of reference are still relevant, and whether some task forces should be
* UDRP (review terms of reference and current progress)
* Structure task force
- Task force chairs (proposed by Jordyn Buchanan)
- Budget items- update on constituency payments
Circulation of resolutions by the 19th September and then send out voting ballot.
Tony Holmes suggested inviting Alejandro Pisanty to the next Names Council
teleconference on October 3, 2002.
The final report will have to be considered before Shanghai
Bruce Tonkin thanked the council members for their participation.
The teleconference ended at 17:10
Next NC teleconference will be on Thursday 26 or Friday 27 September at 15:00 Paris time, 13:00 UTC/GMT
See all past agendas and minutes at http://www.dnso.org/dnso/2002calendardnso.html
and calendar of the NC meetings at
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