As provided in the ICANN bylaws http://www.icann.org/general/bylaws.htm, each GNSO Council member representing either the registrars constituency or the gTLD registries constituency will be entitled to cast two votes. Members of the council representing the other four constituencies (business users, non-commercial users, ISP, and intellecual property constituency) will be entitled to cast one vote.
Ballot sent with 3 choices b04:[ ] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04:[ ] AGAINST Bruce Tonkin b04:[ ] ABSTAIN from this vote Electorate of 18 persons Nb of voters 18 persons Public results (sorted by personal code) b04K:K24b8Z:[X] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K27dcZ:[X] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K2887Z:[ X] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K29efZ:[x] FOR Bruce Tonkin (Power 02) b04K:K2d02Z:[ x] FOR Bruce Tonkin (Power 02) b04K:K4e05Z:[X] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K52e0Z:[x] ABSTAIN from this vote (Power 02) b04K:K5682Z:[x] FOR Bruce Tonkin (Power 02) b04K:K7541Z:[x ] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K83c5Z:[X] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K8416Z:[x ] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:K8a37Z:[X] FOR Bruce Tonkin (Power 02) b04K:Ka718Z:[x] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:Kb602Z:[X] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:Kc174Z:[x ] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:Kd86eZ:[X ] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:Kdd9aZ:[ X ] FOR Bruce Tonkin b04K:Ke21bZ:[X ] FOR Bruce Tonkin (Power 02) Vote results: 0 AGAINST Bruce Tonkin 1 ABSTAIN from this vote (1*Power 02) = 2 17 FOR Bruce Tonkin (5*Power 02,12*01) = 22 ------------------------------------------- TOTAL = 24
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