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Re: [ifwp] Re: Proposal for a new ORSC/DNSO project

>>> Slippery slope, isn't it?
>>I don't deny that Chris.  But in all fairness to everyone concerned, I
>>can't see any other solution.

I think what would really be fair is to open up the
country code tlds to competative bidding. .com, .net
and .org went through that, but none of the cctlds did.

Yes, and I know you're going to say "sovereign government"
faster than I can say "Saddam Hussein". Give the cctlds back to
the ITU and develop some decent non profit shared rgeistries
for the Internet. Dave Crocker is making progress towards
an IETF (and therefore ICANN) approved shared registry
protocol. Imagine the cost savings to thsoe national
goverments if they all agreed to use *that*. Do we
relaly need 250 separate facilities to do the same task just
becasue the last two letters are different ? Maybe one is
to few, maybe we'd need five.

Thats the slippery slope Chris was talking about and the
"what data do you want" that Stef was talking about. I think. :-)

Speaking for myself, of course.

richard@newdom.com  "It's all just marketing" +1 (613) 473-1719
Maitland House, Bannockburn, Ontario, CANADA, K0K 1Y0