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Re: [iana@ISI.EDU: SO note]

Roberto Gaetano a écrit:
> Michael,
> You wrote:
> > We can't just do whatever ICANN tells us, if it's wrong for the DNSO's
> > constituents.
> >
> Ideally, I am with you.
> OTOH, we have to make a proposal that will be one among many from which
> ICANN will select the "winner" (of the thousands of lawsuits,,,, ).

I know that game, Roberto. It's called "keep them on the defensive by making
them compete with each other", and "make them worried about being left out so
they won't be watching what you're doing", and it's also called "divide and
conquer" and "scared people don't fight back".

> If we plan not to comply with ICANN's requests, we are losing our time.

What do you mean "comply with ICANN's requests"? The DNSO is supposed to be
ICANN. Now we are complying with their requests? I don't want to be rude, but do
you have a father/authority complex, or something? 

The Internet doesn't have to take orders from Joe Sims and the others. It's the
Internet that's supposed to be telling them what to do. The Internet IS the
NewCo, or the NewCo is nothing. That's the message of the White Paper:
self-regulation. Not regulation by a group of outsiders. SELF-regulation. And we
are going to make it stick. I will make it stick, if I have to do it all alone.

We are not losing our time, we are having our time lost for us by people who
come from outside the Internet to break up our community. That is not going to
be allowed.