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RE: Draft New Draft

from the ORSC/AIP "Draft New Draft":
> At the inception of the DNSO, its members and supporters reaffirm the
> historical rules under which all participants in the domain name system
> have operated to date. Nothing about the creation of the DNSO is meant to
> overturn the status quo as it exists at the inception. Specifically, the
> DNSO reaffirms the rules under which the TLD registries and registrars
> have operated to date. In support of such, the DNSO recongizes that
> current registries operate under the current RFCs (1591 in particular)
> and shall continue to do so until such time the RFC's have been ammended
> or replaced through due process. Due process to be accepteable by each
> individual registry, individually.

So *any* registry can veto *any* change to existing policies, including
expansion of the TLD space?  RFC 1591 explicitly *lists* all gTLDs - any
additions require that it be amended.  Under this language, NSI or any other
registry could block addition of new TLDs simply by refusing to assent to
it.  Clearly unacceptable.