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Re: Draft New Draft

On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 04:22:28PM +0100, Javier SOLA wrote:
> If what ORSC wants is to use the letter of 1591 to support that DNSO
> maintains the deviations that have been created by the NSi monolopy or the
> fact that some ccTLDs are managed for profit in no relation with the
> country the ISO code belongs to, then I am definitely against. 

The funny thing about all this is that the interpretation of 1591
that IATLD is hanging their hat on is just an interpretation.  I have
read it carefully, several times, and as far as I can see 1591 is
perfectly consistent with a strong "pro-sovereign" position.  For 
example, the statement that IANA is not in the business of deciding 
what is and is not a country is, in my reading completely neutral 
concerning whether countries have control over "their" ccTLD.

I have come to think of this as very similar to the trademark issue,
in fact.  A country has some distinct form of intellectual property
right in its ISO code.  It is a complex property right, to be sure,
different from trademark or copyright, but a right, nonetheless.  
And the interesting question here is the relationship of that unique 
property right with the domain name system.

In any case, my opinion, and I suspect the opinion of ICANN, is that
the founding documents of the DNSO should contain no policy
statements at all.  They should just describe the organizational 
structure and mechanisms.

Kent Crispin, PAB Chair				"Do good, and you'll be
kent@songbird.com				lonesome." -- Mark Twain