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Re: Draft New Draft

It is crircally important that we NAME and version number our drafts!

I propose the we call ours the "Joint Meld Draft" and give each new
published version a version numer the is based on its date of

This bvusiness of not distinguished each draft in a unique way is
really wierd in a comunity oke the DNS where unicity of ID is The
Critical Factor;-)...

So, lets get serious here and just do what is right.


>From your message Mon, 1 Feb 99 17:16:39 -0500:
}Ellen Rony wrote:
}>Does this 1/30/99 draft supercede both the ORSC (V2) and AIP (1/19) drafts?
}>Please advise.
}This latest draft -- which some are calling the "draft" draft -- was 
}simply an effort to find common pieces of the earlier submissions and put 
}them together in a way that seemed coherent and sensible. It is not the 
}"consensus" of any or all of the AIP or the ORSC or CENTRE (from which we 
}also took pieces). It's a draft that we've tried on to see how it looks 
}and are asking others for comments. As the ORSC and AIP lists illustrate, 
}many of the concepts and wordings are still in play. 
}  -- Bret