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AHA!  I should point you and others to the wonderful book written by
John Gall, titled "SYSTEMANTICS" (and pronounced System Antics).

I think you can buy it from Amazon, but I bought mine directly from the
author in Ann Arbor, MI, US.  It is a wonderful book!

Here is the full cite:

SYSTEMANTICS: The Underground Text of Systems Lore: How Systems Really
Work and How They Fail; John Gall; General Systemantics Press, 
3200 West Liberty Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 USA; ISBN 0-9618251-1-1
(hardcover) and ISPB 0-9618251-0-3 (paperback).  Available from the
publisher at US$17.95 (paperback) or US$21.95 (hardcover). 319 pages.

The import of my mentioning his Meta Strategy #5 is that we have been
trying to solve this DNS problem now for about 4 years, and are still
finding aspects of it to be unsolvable (or at least extremely hard to

>From your message Wed, 10 Feb 1999 09:30:53 +0100:

}What I don't understand is the reference below:
}What is exactly the problem that you perceive as unsolvable?
}I think that to merge the drafts is not at all an impossible task!
}Regards, Roberto

In any event after all this time we do not yet have a solution, and
all our efforts to organize a DNSO is focused on the organizarion that
will have to solve the problem, but not yet addressing the actual
problems.  We are a long way from solving the real problems.

So, the situation fits the strategy!  The problem we are trying to
solve "seems to be unolvable", so ...  I think we should seriously
consider that the problem we are trying to solve is a META PROBLEM!

My candidate for the main meta problem is that:

The US Govt Created a Market Structure Problem (only 3 useful gTLDs)
by not applying proper oversight to the evoluion of the DNS, and thus
spawned a Monopoly (NSI), whose very exisistance many people think is
"the problem".

I am not just trying to finger the US Govt as the culprit, but to
clearly state how the problem to be solved has arisen.

Actually, the real problem is the Market Structure Failure, and we are
never going to solce the "NSI Problem" until we solve the Market
Structure Problem.

So, I nominate the Market Structure Failure as the Meta Problem to be
solved.  All else is just going to involve messing with symptions and
not deliver any kind of cure.
