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Re: ICANN's Defective Competition Guidelines, etc (was Accredita

Jeff -- If you know thew answer to your question better than I do,
then please answer if for yourself.

I am not at all interested in playing 20 questions with you.

Over and out;-)...\Stef

>From your message Thu, 11 Feb 1999 14:37:16 -0800 (PST):
}No he didn't.  Because the information contains information of a private
}nature, I need him to state that it is ok to post that information, clearly and
}concisely.  I've emailed him privately asking for this permission, not
}surprisingly he won't answer those mails.
}I did not personally collect this data, but someone else did, and in order for
}them to grant permission post it, they insist that he specifically state that
}he permits the posting of this private information.
}It will lay to rest all doubt as to Jeff.
}If it were my decision alone, I'd post it up on my personal website, and be
}done with it.  Personally, I don't see the problem, legal or otherwise, and
}think that if anything there is an obligation to post it.
}The person with the information in on this list, and if he will just send it to
}me, I'll post it up today and take all responsibility for it myself.
}On 11-Feb-99 Frank Rizzo wrote:
}>  At 1:29 AM -0800 2/10/99, William X. Walsh wrote:
}> >If you truly have nothing to hide, and you want to stick to the corner you
}> >just
}> >painted yourself into (that we should seek out information we desire on you
}> >on
}> >our own) then now give permission for that information that has been
}> >sought out
}> >about you to be published for all to see.
}> >
}> >It is easily independently verifiable by anyone wishing to verify it.
}> >
}> >I will await your permission.
}>  Come on already. He gave you explicit permission. For the love of baby
}>  Jesus, post his identity. If he's a fraud, what do you have to worry about?
}>  I'm starting to side with Jeff. All you do is cast aspersions. If you have
}>  it, post the truth.
}>  Jeff, sign me up for the INEG Internet Steak Meeting in Arlon Texas. I'll
}>  be there with my lighter and all my shoes. I hope that they play Dark Star.
}>  _Rizzy.
}E-Mail: William X. Walsh <william@dso.net>
}Date: 11-Feb-99
}Time: 14:30:54
}"We may well be on our way to a society overrun by hordes
}of lawyers, hungry as locusts." 
}- Chief Justice Warren Burger, US Supreme Court, 1977