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ICANN Berlin meeting Remote Simultaneous Translation Project

Antoun Nabhan a écrit:
> Well, yes, that's right, too. It is the sort of situation where we can ask for five and have three step forward?

Even just asking takes time, and the odds are we won't even get
three set up. I strongly recommend asking for three, and being ready
to make do with two. This is a test, a first run, and shouldn't be
more ambitious than we can deal with. Getting the technical kinks
worked out is the first order of business, IMO, so as long as we
have at least two, so that we can work out the logistics for more
than one two-way remote, we'll be accomplishing all that we can
really pretend to do this first time. 

> I'll defer to public comment. I hate to leave anybody out, but we do have some scarcity issues that make it necessary.

Yes, let's see if we get any feedback, and go from there. If we
don't, then I'll start contacting people personally and urging them
to participate. But this time around I think we'll end up having to
make do with whatever we've got, and be happy for it, rather than
trying to pick and choose too much. And we're in no position yet,
technically or otherwise, to be trying to set up many remotes.

> Well, since this is going out to public lists, it's now a public 
> request. If anyone has equipment and/or bandwidth that they are 
> willing to let us use May 25-26, please let Michael and I know. PCs 
> running RealEncoder software should be in the same physical location 
> as the translators; the RealServers need to be close in network-hop 
> terms but not physically.

Yes, that's right. Perhaps you could write up a short tech
requirement spec sheet, which we'll distribute, specifying minimum
PC and server requirements (CPU speed, RAM, PC-to-Realsever
distance, bandwidth, etc.). Also: Can Berkman supply software?

I'm adding some mailing lists to the addresses (ALCI $ ENREDO, the
Latin American lists, as well as the IFWP, AIP, IETF, and TERENA
lists). Any further suggestions on how to advertise properly will be
appreciated. Also, I've given this a name - the Remote Simultaneous
Translation Project (RSTP) - so we'll all know what we're talking
about, okay?