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Re: constituency formation

Rick H. Wesson wrote:
> where are the discussions taking place about the formation of the various
> constituencys?

There is a lot pf private talking, group talking and open talking around....

In any case, I amn trying to gather all the relevant infos and hote to send by
Tuesday a nmore complete picture.

This will already include some premliminary drafts for certain consituencies,
that will be both ciruclated in this mailinglist and poted in the dnso.org
website for comments.

My personal feeling is that everybody working on consituency-related drafts
should be able to circulate them by April 24, ie, one month before the Berlin
meeting, so as to allow a confortalbe cimennts oerid.

(I know that we will have something for both the commercial and IP
constituencies much earlier).

As for previous drafting efforts, plz bear in mind that one thing is defting
the criteria for each consituency, another one "approving" such criteria and a
third one is "populating" such consituencies. Let's see what do we get for the
firts step....


PS: As those present in Singapore will remember, we offered the dnso.org
domain name to ICANN so it could be used for both the consituencies building
process and for the real workings of the DNSO tiself. We are now arranging
this changes.