James Khan
Candidate in ICANNATLARGE.COM 11-members Panel Election July 2002
Candidate Statement
ICANNs future role must be pragmatic, it must delineate the fundamental cannons that guide the Virtual Sovereign Government, and it must construct a social contract amendable unto its self. It must create a Constitution (K) that encompasses a body of Eco-Socio-Economic values which governing principles embody the organs of the Virtual Government which puts its faith in the People. The laws of which must reflect unsubordinated values equal and beneficial to the; (1) Environment; over, (2) Inclusive Humanity; over, (3) People; over, (4) the Economy. (The Government over Business, the Individual over Government, Inclusive Humanity over Individuals, and the Environment over everything).
ICANNs role is that of a founding father, it is not that of curator, patriarch, nor demigod, its life is short lived, it is an end to a means of self-government, Independence.
The Road ahead requires much attention to the rights and regulations governing the Global population, the Population-at-Large, in an all inclusive manner to insure equality and liberty for all.
"The Net that expects to be 'ignorant & free', Expects that 'never can & never be *
My Platform: A Declaration of Independence, a Constitution, a Sovereignty on to its own.
The emergence of the Global Nation is at hand, "e pluribus unum" or "out of many ~ one".
My name is James Khan and I am running for the ICANN-at-Large seat,
Please vote for me.Thank you
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