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Re: [wg-c] WG Chairs

Kevin J. Connolly wrote:

> I am impressed by the divide et impera tactics of those members of the WG who have already decided that anything which coincides with CORE/POC thinking is ungood.

It should be obvious after four years that there are diverse views.As Ivan Pope has pointed out, the more serious issue is the perception that this group is completely dominated by a CORE/POC faction.

> First, Javier has been marginalized; now an attempt is made to shoulder Kent out of the way.

Javier runs the list and was designated Chair without the consent of anyone on this list. He sits on the Names Council and will vote on the ultimate proposal. He is also the one who informed us of the decision made behind the scenes that we were to elect another chair. This is control, not marginalization.

> The net result of this process would be the disembowelment of the IAHC/POC philosophy of internet governance.

How would that philosophy be "disemboweled" if one person who does not share it, or even a neutral party such as Jon Weinberg, is incorporated into the committee leadership? The IAHC philosophy is well represented. Indeed, it is dominant on this list, as no less than one third of the working group's members are directly affiliated with IAHC/POC/CORE.

What baffles me is that the IAHC group believes it has to completely dominate the proceedings and eliminate any opposing points of view by seizing administrative control, rather than by persuading and accommodating the other members. Any objective observer can see that such tactics will destroy the committee and prevent it from achieving any kind of agreement.

m i l t o n   m u e l l e r // m u e l l e r @ s y r . e d u
syracuse university          http://istweb.syr.edu/~mueller/