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Re: [wg-c] Straw Vote

Rita M. Odin wrote:

> Actually, I would like to see the requirements apply to all levels of domain names - infirngement can happen at all levels. I don't think there is a distinction.



You have a server named "calvin".
According to your statement above, the naming of
that server should be subject to the WIPO drp,
we should all have access to complete contact
information about who named it, and if it became
a famous name it would be subject to exclusion.
Indeed, calvin may already be illegal, if Calvin Klein
hears about it.

Would you like to retract or modify your statement?

m i l t o n   m u e l l e r // m u e l l e r @ s y r . e d u
syracuse university          http://istweb.syr.edu/~mueller/