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Re[2]: [wg-c] capital idea

Monday, August 23, 1999, 1:04:52 AM, Roeland M.J. Meyer <rmeyer@mhsc.com> wrote:

> How does Amazon.VPN sound? If the VPN is a trademarked and chartered TLD
> then Amazon, which is trademarked, could move anywhere it wants.
> However, this does weaken the argument that Amazon.COM, and Amazon.VPN
> is different from Amazon.NET. This is a not so minor problem that
> depends on the TLD charter being defensible. More likely, Amazon would
> create .BOOKS for their book-selling business. and license SLDs out to
> other book-sellers. MS would probably create .WIN and someone, in the
> Linux community, would create .LINUX, maybe Linus himself?.

I for one would have serious concerns over placing a domain like
.books into the hands of a company like Amazon.  That would be like
giving GMC control over the approval and publication of trademarks in
the automotive specific areas, creating a clear conflict of interest.

William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: william@dso.net  Fax:(209) 671-7934
Editor of http://www.dnspolicy.com/

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