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Re: [wg-c] breaking up (names) is hard to do

On 23 August 1999, Dave Crocker <dcrocker@brandenburg.com> wrote:

>At 01:03 PM 8/23/99 , Mark C. Langston wrote:
>>Seems to have gone fairly smoothly looking in from the outside.  This
>>isn't the kind of thing that one day, a registrar's going to wake up
>>and send e-mail to the contact for foo.com and say, "You will be forced
>>to lose your address in 90 days.  Change everything you've got by then,
>>or tough luck."  This kind of thing will be known about months in
>You don't think that a for-profit registry won't seek to take advantage of 
>that multi-month/multi-million-dollar leverage it has over its customer?

I don't deny that the urge would exist.  However, we -- you, me, all
of us -- are in a position to help create policy that would make that
either impossible, or at least incredibly undesirable to do.

Mark C. Langston	LATEST: ICANN refuses	Let your voice be heard:
mark@bitshift.org  to consider application for       http://www.idno.org
Systems Admin    Constituency status from organized http://www.icann.org
San Jose, CA      individual domain name owners      http://www.dnso.org