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Re[2]: [wg-c] straw vote -- question one results & call for votes on remaining questions

Monday, August 30, 1999, 8:18:05 AM, Dave Crocker <dcrocker@brandenburg.com> wrote:

> At 01:20 AM 8/30/99 , Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
>>If we were to try and disenfranchise everyone whomever tried a
>>hi-jacking then half of this list should be excluded, starting with
>>IAHC, going through CORE, and continuing through a few constituncies in

> Frr those not familiar with the facts:  The IAHC was an IANA-sponsored 
> activity and focused solely on gTLD expansion.  It had nothing to do with 
> the root and it always affirmed IANA authority over the root.  The POC/CORE 
> activity was not a separate activity but was the direct follow-on from the 
> IAHC proposal.  It, was also approved by IANA and affirmed IANA's authority.

The IANA had no authority.  Making this effect no more or less
legitimate than any other.

> All of the other efforts to create independent roots were just that, 
> independent.  They ad nothing ad all to do with IANA, other that their 
> choosing to include pointers to the IANA TLDs,

These were not "IANA's TLDs." The only area IANA had such authority
over was over the ccTLD arena, subject to their use of the ISO list.

William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: william@dso.net  Fax:(209) 671-7934
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